Training (public)

A fully functional gym, weight room, and state-of-the-art combat simulator.
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Jack Olen
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Aura Color: Red-orange
Semblance Name: Fire absorption
Weapon Name: Those Hands

"Damn... No one in there."
*Jack sighed. He had really hoped to throw down with someone. He had rejected the offer of his teammates to accompany him, as he knew each of their fighting styles too well. No, he wanted to fight peoples he knew nothing about... In other words, to test his flexibility, his ability to adapt and maybe try and see what worked well against a specific type of weapon. But he was alone, and it was with a disappointed sigh that he turned on the simulator.*
Last edited by Jack Olen on Mon Nov 06, 2023 1:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Vlithra Qing Long
Posts: 261
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Age: 19
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus (White Tiger, stripes and pale skin)
Aura Color: Viridian-Green
Occupation: 1st Year Student, Tattooing-Assistant
Semblance Name: Kinetic Discharge
Weapon Name: Viridian Naraka and Carnassial Talon

Vlithra walked into the hallways of the combat training rooms as she did per her bi-daily routine. Her strong gait emphasizing her powerful presence as her boots announced her approach to anyone who knew her around campus. She stops momentarily at a training room with only one person in it and after pondering for but a moment she decided to step inside and join this new face in whatever they were doing. They were just turning on the simulator as Vlithra entered. Her gaze scanned the figure from top to bottom. Didn‘t look like anything special from a first glance, however a curious detail didn‘t go unnoticed. The lack of a proper weapon...

“Say, is it normal for you to go into a simulation without a weapon?“ she exclaimed as she approached, her shoulder hung jacket swaying left and right as she closed the distance. “I can respect that sort of attitude.“ she adds, giving the stranger in front of her a friendly grin as she came to a halt a few meters away, hands placed firmly in her pockets.
"Nobody preaching about justice is ever a good guy."
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Jack Olen
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Age: 20
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Race: Human
Aura Color: Red-orange
Semblance Name: Fire absorption
Weapon Name: Those Hands

*He waved at her, his ginger hair attracting the eye.*
" Hello ! Yeah, I fight unarmed. Weapons aren't my.... Wooops !"
*He said as the first simulated ennemy appeared and tried to hit him. He narrowly dodged and answered with a powerful strike, destroying the illusion. He kept talking as he started to fight*
"My name's Jack, Jack O'Len ! It's nice to meet you ! Did you wanted to use the simulator ? I'll try to hurry up."
Last edited by Jack Olen on Mon Nov 06, 2023 1:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Vlithra Qing Long
Posts: 261
Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2020 5:00 pm
Age: 19
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus (White Tiger, stripes and pale skin)
Aura Color: Viridian-Green
Occupation: 1st Year Student, Tattooing-Assistant
Semblance Name: Kinetic Discharge
Weapon Name: Viridian Naraka and Carnassial Talon

“Oh, don‘t worry about me. If I wanted to use one I‘d look for an empty room. I was just curious.“ Vlithra leans on a nearby railing outside of the combat zone, though seemingly ready to jump in at any time if she so decided.
“I‘m Vlithra by the way.“ She introduced herself, watching Jack as he tangled with the simulated foes.
“I was looking for a sparring partner. You interested? Once you‘re done, that is?“ Vlithra raised an eyebrow as she checked on Jack's aura meter.
"Nobody preaching about justice is ever a good guy."
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Jack Olen
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Age: 20
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Human
Aura Color: Red-orange
Semblance Name: Fire absorption
Weapon Name: Those Hands

*He hasn't taken a hit, and yet it seemed to be pretty low... Well, some peoples have a naturally poor Aura, that's just how it is. Maybe it was the reason why he seemed to focus so much on dodging and counter-attacking. Still, he smiled as his hair was floating with his movements.*
"I would really like that ! I'm a bit bored of always fighting the same persons over and over again. Lemme just get this over with."
*His aura seemed to expend slowly as he moved around, and even though he was dressed pretty warmly, there was no sweat on his face.*
Vlithra Qing Long
Posts: 261
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Age: 19
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus (White Tiger, stripes and pale skin)
Aura Color: Viridian-Green
Occupation: 1st Year Student, Tattooing-Assistant
Semblance Name: Kinetic Discharge
Weapon Name: Viridian Naraka and Carnassial Talon

Jack was handleing himself very well, not having taken a single hit yet despite is seemingly low amount of Aura. His movements were fluid and steady, bringing out the power needed to decimate his opponents.
“Well then.“ Vlithra only remarked as she looked at the guys aura gauge with a raised eyebrow. It‘s slowly depleting.
She herself get‘s up from the railing, starting to warm her body up with light movements like shoulder rolling and occasional jumping in place as she waited for her opponent to finish.
“I don‘t suppose you‘re self taught then? You‘re handling yourself well.“ Vlithra added.
"Nobody preaching about justice is ever a good guy."
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Jack Olen
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Age: 20
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Race: Human
Aura Color: Red-orange
Semblance Name: Fire absorption
Weapon Name: Those Hands

"Nope, came from Mistral originally. My whole team's... Whoops !"
*He dodged and counterattacked. Not only was his aura slowly getting bigger, but it seemed like his moves were getting stronger as well. And still no sign of sweating.*
"Whole team's from there. We transferred here earlier as a student exchange programm or something, I dunno exactly the point, but... Here I am. Nice place by the way."
Vlithra Qing Long
Posts: 261
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Age: 19
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus (White Tiger, stripes and pale skin)
Aura Color: Viridian-Green
Occupation: 1st Year Student, Tattooing-Assistant
Semblance Name: Kinetic Discharge
Weapon Name: Viridian Naraka and Carnassial Talon

“That‘s Beacon for you.“ Vlithra exclaimed as she stretched herself a few more times before watching from the railing once more. Wow, he really wasn‘t breaking a sweat there.
“Alright.“ She declares after a while at which she jumps onto the railing and with one enormous leap into the arena lands on an unfortunate hologram that had just spawned, shattering it under her momentum with her boot. As she does the system recognizes her presence, adding her aura gauge to the screens showing the combatants aura supply. She had a greater amount of base aura than the average student, that was for sure. "Mind if I cut in? Wouldn't want you to tire yourself out before the bout." she comments in a cheeky manner as she raises her body to full height after compensating for the fall.
"Nobody preaching about justice is ever a good guy."
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Jack Olen
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Age: 20
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Race: Human
Aura Color: Red-orange
Semblance Name: Fire absorption
Weapon Name: Those Hands

*Damn she's tall.... And cool, too.*
"Nah, I'm tired of fighting bots. Let's get to the actual fun part, yeah ?"
*He turned off the simulation, then took a boxing pose.*
"Might be weird to ask, but do you mind if we chat and fight at the same time ? I tend to blatter when I'm focusing."
Vlithra Qing Long
Posts: 261
Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2020 5:00 pm
Age: 19
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus (White Tiger, stripes and pale skin)
Aura Color: Viridian-Green
Occupation: 1st Year Student, Tattooing-Assistant
Semblance Name: Kinetic Discharge
Weapon Name: Viridian Naraka and Carnassial Talon

“I won‘t mind as long as you don‘t mind me not using my weapons.“ Vlithra exclaimed as she took a fighting stance herself, disregarding the fact that she still had her weaponry on her, sheathed at her hip.
Concerning the stance, at a glance it didn‘t seem like any one related to an official fighting style. Instead seeming like something a mixed-martial arts fighter would come up with, except almost too simple even. An arm raised and angled to protect her chest area while the other is raised to be ready to swing as soon as possible. Feet placed just far enough apart to not loose balance in a fight.

“Ready!“ she declared as her vision focused on Jack alone, waiting for him to strike first. She hadn't been idly looking about as Jack beat the simulations and at the very least deduced that he was more comfortable dodging and counter attacking, so making him do the first move was the logical choice.
"Nobody preaching about justice is ever a good guy."
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Jack Olen
Posts: 84
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Age: 20
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Human
Aura Color: Red-orange
Semblance Name: Fire absorption
Weapon Name: Those Hands

"As long as you don't mind me stealing them, then ~"
*He waited for a bit, hoping that she would come at him first, but understood she wasn't willing to. From his belt, he pulled out two glass bottles filled with a black oily liquid, one in each hand. The first one he poured on himself, and the second he threw at her.*
Vlithra Qing Long
Posts: 261
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Age: 19
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus (White Tiger, stripes and pale skin)
Aura Color: Viridian-Green
Occupation: 1st Year Student, Tattooing-Assistant
Semblance Name: Kinetic Discharge
Weapon Name: Viridian Naraka and Carnassial Talon

“Hmpf, you can try.“ Vlithra remarks less amused than before as she casually stepped to the side, the bottle missing it‘s mark and landing behind her. Having bottles tossed at her was nothing new, just the fact that the guy had poured the other on himself, though she had to momentarily realign her stance due to it.
Slowly but steadily, Vlithra‘s eyes and stripes began to glow in their signature neon green color as the occasional spark of green lightning shot around her body in preparation of anything else Jack might throw at her, be it projectile or attack.
"Nobody preaching about justice is ever a good guy."
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Jack Olen
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Age: 20
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Race: Human
Aura Color: Red-orange
Semblance Name: Fire absorption
Weapon Name: Those Hands

*Jack launched himself forward at an impressive speed, with something hidden in his hand. Once he got closer to her, he feinted a punch, as he revealed what was inside his hand : a lighter. As soon as he used it, the oily substance on his body caught fire, which of course not only blinded but also surprised Vlithra. Though if she had bothered to look at his aura she would have seen that it was now quickly getting bigger and bigger. As the flames started to shrink, Jack threw a powerful hit.*
Vlithra Qing Long
Posts: 261
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Age: 19
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus (White Tiger, stripes and pale skin)
Aura Color: Viridian-Green
Occupation: 1st Year Student, Tattooing-Assistant
Semblance Name: Kinetic Discharge
Weapon Name: Viridian Naraka and Carnassial Talon

Then Jack approached and feinted his first attack only to set himself on fire with a hidden lighter. Vlithra initially planned to deflect his punch, but since it never came she was left baffled for a moment before being blinded by the sudden flame spiking out in front of her, forcing her to take a few steps back, not enough to step into the puddle that had formed behind her as she dodged the other bottle, but a step closer. As the flame shrunk she saw a fist coming her way and she didn‘t hesitate to show her own power, her stripes lit alight in neon green colors just like her eyes to signal the incoming demonstration of power.
The sparks shooting around her momentarily became connected lightning currents and bursted forward like a shockwave lashing forward against her opponent in but the blink of an eye.
Jack found his fist stopping dead in it‘s tracks and then himself being launched several meters away as the kinetic energy affected him. Some of the oil on his body might have even been scattered from the energy.
“So that‘s how it is. You‘re a human torch.“ Vlithra remarks with her opponent further away. “Forget what I said about no weapons then.“ she continued with a stern gaze, pulling Carnassial Talon from it‘s sheath and inserting a cartridge from her holster.
"Nobody preaching about justice is ever a good guy."
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Jack Olen
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Age: 20
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Race: Human
Aura Color: Red-orange
Semblance Name: Fire absorption
Weapon Name: Those Hands

*Jack landed on his feet a bit further away.*
"And what are you ? Some kind of human dynamite ?"
*He stretched, punched the ground and pulled out a stone the size of his palm, then rushed at her at great speed.
Once he was at about four steps from her, he crushed the stone in his hand and threw the rubbles like a shot.*
Vlithra Qing Long
Posts: 261
Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2020 5:00 pm
Age: 19
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus (White Tiger, stripes and pale skin)
Aura Color: Viridian-Green
Occupation: 1st Year Student, Tattooing-Assistant
Semblance Name: Kinetic Discharge
Weapon Name: Viridian Naraka and Carnassial Talon

Vlithra pressed on forward with her blade now eveloped in a deep blue hue. When Jack threw the rubble forward she kicked herself off the ground with enough momentum to cartwheel over him, dodging his ranged attack and giving her an opportunity to slash at her opponent from above, doing so without hesitation and landing a few meters behind him after she rode out her remaining momentum. Twisting her body around wildly, she slashed once more at the air between her and Jack. Out of the steel streamed water like a broad blade flowing through the air itsself as it shot forward from her swing, threatening to crash into Jacks rear.
“I think you should cool down some more.“ Vlithra exclaimed in an almost provocative manner as she knelt down, putting the tip of her blade as far back beside her as possible as she hunched herself over to get low enough. She then pulled her blade forward across the floor to slash it upwards, discharging enough water from the dust blade to send forth a small wave at Jack. With a clanking noise, the empty cartridge ejected as Vlithra grabbed another and inserted it allthewhile she observed what Jack would do in response to this.
"Nobody preaching about justice is ever a good guy."
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Jack Olen
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Age: 20
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Human
Aura Color: Red-orange
Semblance Name: Fire absorption
Weapon Name: Those Hands

*Jack tanked the slice from above with his aura, which depleted it a bit, but not too much. He slid under the first water slash, stood back up and side-stepped the second one, before answering.*
"I think you should try harder if you want to cool me down !"
*He pulled out another bottle, and walked confidently towards her as he started to pour it on the ground behind him, restricting the places where she could simply jump and run to. Once it was empty, he put it back at his belt before taking out a fire crystal and throwing it at her feet, before preapring to intercept her if she tried to jump.*
Vlithra Qing Long
Posts: 261
Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2020 5:00 pm
Age: 19
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus (White Tiger, stripes and pale skin)
Aura Color: Viridian-Green
Occupation: 1st Year Student, Tattooing-Assistant
Semblance Name: Kinetic Discharge
Weapon Name: Viridian Naraka and Carnassial Talon

Vlithra looked on as Jack prepared his next move. A trail of what she assumed oil adn then a fire crystal was thrown at her feet. “Then how about...“ she remarked as instead of jumping forward, she jumped backwards and slashed her blade once more.
“...something colder!“ she exclaimed as a blade of ice impacted the dust crystal, causing a steam explosion with significant force that created a cloud of steam, concealing both their sight to each other.
Once on the ground, Vlithra once more slashed the blade across the ground, sending a spiked wall of ice forward that crawled across the ground to where Jack had poured the trail, freezing the liquid benath it if it came through unhindered. Even if she didn‘t hit him, making his resources unusable was just as good. The empty cartridge ejected, and the next was grabbed and inserted just a squickly.
“I got more where that came from.“ she exclaimed with a smirk.
"Nobody preaching about justice is ever a good guy."
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Jack Olen
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Race: Human
Aura Color: Red-orange
Semblance Name: Fire absorption
Weapon Name: Those Hands

"Well, I still intended to hinder your movements, so that's a win for me. Plus...."
*He tore off two chunks of the ice wall.*
"It gives me more stuff to throw at you !"
*Like before, he crushed them in his fists before throwing the first fistful like dozens of small bullets. This time though, she could not see him, but he knew where she was thanks to her bragging.
Right afterwards he threw the second but higher, in case she tried to dodge by jumping just like last time.*
Vlithra Qing Long
Posts: 261
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Age: 19
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus (White Tiger, stripes and pale skin)
Aura Color: Viridian-Green
Occupation: 1st Year Student, Tattooing-Assistant
Semblance Name: Kinetic Discharge
Weapon Name: Viridian Naraka and Carnassial Talon

“Hmpf, don‘t think that matters.“ Vlithra smirked as she jumped up again to didge the first volley. However the second one was darting right at her aswell as Jack had guessed her movement. She channelled her semblance quickly and releaseing the amassed energy. A small eruption deflects the shards thrown at her with limited use of her aura. With that attack deflected, Vlithra came crashing down next to the ice she created and into the mist, gripping her favored blade. She spun her body around and drew the blade, as a result slashing all around her with enough force to disperse the mist around her and cleaving right through the ice with out issue.
"Nobody preaching about justice is ever a good guy."
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Jack Olen
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Age: 20
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Race: Human
Aura Color: Red-orange
Semblance Name: Fire absorption
Weapon Name: Those Hands

*Jack heard the noise created by the burst of energy and saw how the first blast dissipated the mist a bit. Anticipating where she would land, he threw himself forward and as she shlashed away the mist, he caught her off-guard and managed to land his first true hit, square in the face. And what a hit, it was like being struck by a ginger freight train. It was Vlithra's turn to fly.*
"Sorry, I didn't meant to hit so hard ! Are you ok ?"
Vlithra Qing Long
Posts: 261
Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2020 5:00 pm
Age: 19
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus (White Tiger, stripes and pale skin)
Aura Color: Viridian-Green
Occupation: 1st Year Student, Tattooing-Assistant
Semblance Name: Kinetic Discharge
Weapon Name: Viridian Naraka and Carnassial Talon

It was frustrating that Vlithra had missed, however what was more frustrating was that she suddenly felt a stinging feeling on her cheek as her body was launched backwards with incredible force. “Gahrr.“ Vlithra grunted in response with her gritted teeth. Vlithra went flying, performing a backflip and her boots careening across the floor as she landed to keep her upper body from being janked backwards and therefore herself from being knocked over by the attack. As she straightened her posture again afterwords, she looked like she was pissed, angry that Jack had hit her square in the face. She clearly began charging her semblance again and sheathed her shorts sword momentarily.
“I‘m fine!“ she declared with an annoyed undertone in her voice as she suddenly shot forward with an amount of speed that shouldn‘t be possible, given that she is in Jack‘s face in less than the blink of an eye. She was a blur of neon green for but a moment. It felt only right that Vlithra returned the favor as her own fist embedded itsself in Jack‘s own face and her amassed energy discharged itsself directly into his cheek. Good that this guy had a great deal of aura to tank such a hit.
“How about you?“ she asked in return in an almost joking manner, as he went flying aswell.
"Nobody preaching about justice is ever a good guy."
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Jack Olen
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Age: 20
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Race: Human
Aura Color: Red-orange
Semblance Name: Fire absorption
Weapon Name: Those Hands

*If Jack had to be proud of something, it would be his reflexes. Even though the girl was moving around at lightning-fast speed, he had managed to tilt his head so that her fist only scraped his cheek instead of landing square in it. Still, the accumulated energy was enough to send him spinning. He was very glad to have at least somewhat dodged it, as a full hit would've been pretty bad.
He managed to land on his feets, and answered with a grapple, grabbing her by the neck and smashing her in the ground before she could unsheathe her weapons.*
"You know, just 'cause I'm fightin' with my fists doesnt mean you should do the same."
*He took out his lighter and another bottle that he shattered in his fist, splattering them both with the flammable liquid.*
"I'm gonna exploit like hell the fact that I'm immune to fire, you should exploit any advantage you have. You've got the reach advantage, use it. That's one of the things I wanna train against."
Vlithra Qing Long
Posts: 261
Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2020 5:00 pm
Age: 19
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus (White Tiger, stripes and pale skin)
Aura Color: Viridian-Green
Occupation: 1st Year Student, Tattooing-Assistant
Semblance Name: Kinetic Discharge
Weapon Name: Viridian Naraka and Carnassial Talon

He had barely dodged her swing. He wasn‘t unscathed, but damn the guy had quick reflexes and he recovered just as quick as he grabbed Vlithra by the neck and smashed her to the ground. That did sting, but then Jack started lecturing her… the nerve…
She heard a shatter, being slathered once more in flammable liquid as she heard a lighter and her opponents following explanation. Man… he really wasn‘t kidding… he was talking too much for her liking.

“You really think...“ Vlithra started glowing, as Jack‘s and her own body were consequently set ablaze by the lighter igniting the liquid. Jacks wrist was firmly grabbed, the tigress seemingly ignoring the searing pain that comes with grasping someone that was literally on fire. Her aura could tank this sort of damage for a short while anyway, she‘d take that if it meant dealing equal if not more damage to her opponent.

“...I‘m not exploiting my advantage?“ Vlithra continued, bearing the pain of the staking flames. She wasn‘t going to stay on fire for long anyway as the accumulated energy erupted with a thunderous clap, splattering the liquid that got on her all around the area… and Jack. As for him, being in such a close proximity to the tigress wasn‘t great for him either. His body is rocked by the shockwave with such force it feels like a grenade exploded near him. Still with a firm grasp and positioning her legs behind her opponents, Vlithra pulls him closer to leverae her larger body and mass to get him off balance, only for her to hit him with a mean backfist, slightly missing the solar plexus and discharging another smaller blast of energy that launches Jack over her knee and a few away. Her arm does catch a bit of fire though.

“It doesn‘t matter to me if you‘re in sword‘s reach or right in my face, I can attack you at any opportunity. Besides… if I had used a blade in that moment back then… my career would have probably ended prematurely.“ Vlithra proclaimed in a more serious manner at the end as Jack collected himself. She does finally do something about her arm and therefore her shirt being on fire by emitting another small shockwave that scatters the liquid as much as it could for such a minimal use of aura. That being said, Vlithra once more prepared a kinetic payload for whatever Jack might throw at her next.
"Nobody preaching about justice is ever a good guy."
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Jack Olen
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Age: 20
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Race: Human
Aura Color: Red-orange
Semblance Name: Fire absorption
Weapon Name: Those Hands

*Damn, that was cool. She looked at him in the eyes as she was burning, tanked it, put off the fire and threw him away. A woman after his own heart... Shut up, dude. No time for joking. Leave the mid-fights flirting for Rick. Still, that was fucking awesome, and he couldn't help but grin like an idiot while standing back up. And damn, someone who shared his love for trash-talking, finally.*
"Hey, that's not true. I would've dodged your blade the same way I dodged your fist. And you know what they say about what if's..."
*As he rose to his feets once again, Jack realized something. His immediate surroundings seemed to be shining. No, actually, scratch that. It looked like he was....*
"Ah shit."
*He looked at her. His eyes and his mouth were seemingly shining from within, as if a candle was lit in them. He somehow also seemed more muscular, tougher. Less human too. Even his voice was slightly distorded.*
"Might as well warn you, I kinda overdid it. If you can take the next one, you win. But..."
*He smirked, the little ginger asshole.*
"I doubt you can."
*This was clearly a provocation. Does she takes it ?*
Last edited by Jack Olen on Tue Nov 28, 2023 6:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Vlithra Qing Long
Posts: 261
Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2020 5:00 pm
Age: 19
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus (White Tiger, stripes and pale skin)
Aura Color: Viridian-Green
Occupation: 1st Year Student, Tattooing-Assistant
Semblance Name: Kinetic Discharge
Weapon Name: Viridian Naraka and Carnassial Talon

Jack suddenly seemed like he was roiding out, bathed in flames as his aura was being fueled by them. He even started glowing in the face, though that didn‘t deter the tigress one bit. If anything, it spurned her on as he went straigth to provoking her. Though one wouldn‘t think that immediately when she jumped a good few meters backwards. Only afterwards could her battle lust be witnessed.

“Alright, bet!“ Vlithra proclaimed with an excited grin as she smashed her fist into her palm at which point it looked like her glowing was intensifying as well.
She then widened her stance a bit, crossing her arms in an X just below her face and balling her hands to fists. She hunched forward as her body tensed up and the energy she was gathering continued to accumulate. Her stripes and eyes started glowing behind those fists of hers. This continued for a few moments, until the occasional crackling shot of green lightning around her had grown to a full on maelstrom of black tinged bolts of neon. And then…

“RAAAAAAGH.“ Vlithra roared much like a real tiger would as she straightened her posture and the energy seemed like it had erupted from her body. Instead it was just the light that had intensified at the moment together with the wind that was pushed away from her as Jack could now see that every bit of Vlithra‘s body was now wreathed in her semblance as if that same explosive power of hers now flowed directly through her. A careful eye might even notice that the glow in her hair had taken over more than just the tips at this point, not entirely her waving mane… but more than what one could observe troughout the fight so far. With an explosive motion one leg raised straight up and stomped on the ground in the same motion, cracking the floor beneath it as the tigress took a battle stance. One should wonder how her pants didn't rip.
“Thanks for waiting. I‘ll take the liberty of extending that same courtesy to you. I doubt you can take this next one.“ She threw that provocation right back at him, even down to that smirk of his... though there was a distinct difference. Her teeth were gritting from this point forward.

Once Jack would make his move towards her, she‘d make her move as well. With how much power her legs were bearing she both figuratively and literally bolted forward straigth at Jack like a green glowing speed train. She could have danced around the guy and struck him from a different angle or dodged in the last second with this kind of speed, but at this point the challenge they had laid out to each other had her going the direct approach. With that in mind, once close, Vlithra‘s fist shot forward, a devestating haymaker embued with the destructive power that was her semblance, ready to unload upon contact on top of Vlithra‘s aura enhanced strength… right at Jack‘s face.
"Nobody preaching about justice is ever a good guy."
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Jack Olen
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Age: 20
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Race: Human
Aura Color: Red-orange
Semblance Name: Fire absorption
Weapon Name: Those Hands

*Jack cracked his neck. Unlike her, he fell into a deep silence, likely focusing on his next move.
He knew she intended to take his hit spot-on, and to be honest it felt kinda nice finding someone willing to just brawl.
No trick, no bullshit semblance or zoning, just throwing hands and the harder hitter win. And he was the harder hitter, he knew it. With so much thermic energy converted to aura in him, he could probably kill a Goliath is he used it completely.
He would... Also probably loose his arm, so let's not. Instead, he decided to allocate half of his boosted aura for offense and half for defense, it should be enough to do some serious damage without suffering too much recoil.
As he saw her prepare, he did the same, and took a runner's posture.
He then bolted forwards, the strength of his legs imprinting his steps on the ground as he raised his fist, still silent.
He was the light and the heat, she was the blast, together they were an explosion.
He saw her fist coming towards him, but this time he made no attempt to dodge. He knew he wouldn't have the time, so he just punched back.
Something shattered, whether it was his bones or hers he did not knew, and everything went white as he felt himself fly, blinded by the punch and deafened by the shockwave.*
Vlithra Qing Long
Posts: 261
Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2020 5:00 pm
Age: 19
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus (White Tiger, stripes and pale skin)
Aura Color: Viridian-Green
Occupation: 1st Year Student, Tattooing-Assistant
Semblance Name: Kinetic Discharge
Weapon Name: Viridian Naraka and Carnassial Talon

Same as Jack, she never had the intention of dodging his attack. Both fists darted past each other, almost intertwining as they hit each other square on the mark. Vlithra‘s fist buried itsself into Jacks cheek. If the guy didn‘t had any aura, he‘d probably have lost some teeth there, so powerful was her swing in addition to the momentum that carried it. However that was far from everything this payload had waiting for him as suddenly all of that energy she had charged herself with flowed into her arm and shot out through the fist in a concentrated, focussed blast of raw kinetic power that would have probably obliterated even a larger Grimm. Instead, it had one shot Jack‘s massive amount of aura he had accumulated, tossing him through the air like a ragdoll.

However he wasn‘t the only one receiving the pain, as Vlithra herself took her opponents fist square on. Her aura, already strained from her semblance use, gave out as she flew backwards rolling over the ground. She felt the sharp pain from that hit even after still. Ever determined to get back up immediately, she got herself to her feet. Her hand resting on her leg and therefore holding her hunched body up as she checked her chin to see if everything was still where it was supposed to be.

In accordance to the event of both fighters having their aura depleted, the arena gave a signal to end the fight, declaring no winner… it was pretty much a draw. The tigress didn‘t say anything yet, most likely because she‘d rather catch her breath a bit first. Either that or it was the pain in that right arm of hers, that she was now clutching with her other, that prevented her from letting out a fancy remark or praise. She definetly had stressed her muscles too much, her semblance did have that effect on her body after all.
"Nobody preaching about justice is ever a good guy."
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Jack Olen
Posts: 84
Joined: Fri Nov 03, 2023 9:48 pm
Age: 20
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Human
Aura Color: Red-orange
Semblance Name: Fire absorption
Weapon Name: Those Hands

*Jack was laying on the ground, unmoving. Vlithra thought he was unconscious at first until he said :*
"Damn, mighty fine of a punch you got there. 'Been a while since a sparring ended with me on the ground. On a side note, can you maybe help me up ? I'm exhausted."
*He still managed to sat down on the ground, but the arm he had used to punch was clearly damaged, maybe with a few broken fingers.*
"My teammates are gonna finish me.... But at least I had fun."
Vlithra Qing Long
Posts: 261
Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2020 5:00 pm
Age: 19
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus (White Tiger, stripes and pale skin)
Aura Color: Viridian-Green
Occupation: 1st Year Student, Tattooing-Assistant
Semblance Name: Kinetic Discharge
Weapon Name: Viridian Naraka and Carnassial Talon

Vlithra walked over to her grounded opponent and extended her hand to pull him up.
“You got a mean swing yourself. Not only that, you have taken my full power better than anyone else so far.“ she exclaims as she rubbed her still hurting cheek.
From there, Vlithra actually went around the arena to find her discarded dust cartridges first. While they were meant to be expendable if needed, she didn‘t want to make new ones if she could recover used ones.
"Nobody preaching about justice is ever a good guy."
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