Character Approval

A collection of the previously approved/denied character's applications complete with feedback posts for future reference.

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Total votes: 3
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Jack Olen
Posts: 84
Joined: Fri Nov 03, 2023 9:48 pm
Age: 20
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Human
Aura Color: Red-orange
Semblance Name: Fire absorption
Weapon Name: Those Hands

Btw, I don't have a link for the picture of my character, so it's the avatar. I also realized that the eyes are a different colour, please don't mind it, it was a mistake in colouration
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Professor W B Copperfield
Posts: 219
Joined: Fri Jan 08, 2021 9:58 am
Age: 42
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Human
Aura Color: Transparent light blue
Occupation: Professor of Dust and Semblance Usage, Beacon
Semblance Name: Forzare
Weapon Name: Foci and Rod

I like Jack! Al, careful with this one. Might actually be able to take you out. And, Mr. Olen, I heavily advise you get some sort of weapon. At least something to move faster around the battlefield. Not every fight happens in a training room with limited room to run.
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Alexander Kate
Posts: 45
Joined: Mon Oct 30, 2023 1:51 pm
Age: 17
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Human
Aura Color: Black with glows of grey
Occupation: Student of Beacon Academy
Semblance Name: The Lone Shifter
Weapon Name: The Devil s Advocate

As Professor Copperfield said already, weapon is important tool for a Huntsman – some bracers would do. But a ranged weapon is a straightforward countermeasure for him, especially with the low aura without heat absorption Semblance, and even that can overheat, hurting him. He is indeed need some training with his abilities.

[VOTE: "yes"]
Shurik talks with a little #FFBF00
Vlithra Qing Long
Posts: 261
Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2020 5:00 pm
Age: 19
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus (White Tiger, stripes and pale skin)
Aura Color: Viridian-Green
Occupation: 1st Year Student, Tattooing-Assistant
Semblance Name: Kinetic Discharge
Weapon Name: Viridian Naraka and Carnassial Talon

I like this concept of a Fist Fighter that can become a human torch if needed due to his immunity to fire. Also that he struggles with the maximum power of his semblance is eerily similar to what Vlithra has got going on with hers. He is certainly in the right enviroment to hone his skills and grow his capabilities.

It's a yes from me.
"Nobody preaching about justice is ever a good guy."
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