Steampowered Training [Private with Mica Lecent]

A fully functional gym, weight room, and state-of-the-art combat simulator.
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Al Ciendra
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Race: Faunus (Wolf-Ears and Fangs)
Aura Color: Orange
Occupation: Beacon Student
Semblance Name: Volcanic Heart
Weapon Name: Arcum and Gladio

Al was seated among her fellow students, all dressed in their combat gear, Al standing out even among them, being one of the few people here that wore metal armor.

Al's fingers anxiously tapped against her metal knee protectors, as she watched the fight happening below, from the row of seats the auditorium offered.
The match was close and Al was at the edge of her seat, but not just because she was interested in the fight, but because she wanted to be down there!
She wanted to show the rest of her class how strong she is!

With a sharp whistle blow, the fight was stopped, while both students still had aura left, as shown by the holographic display above, one student had put the other into a checkmate by grappling his weaker opponent.

Al cheered together with the rest of the class as both students stood up and shook hands.
As they were leaving, the next match was announced by the attending Professor.
"Al Ciendra and Mica Lecent please step into the ring."
Al froze for a second, had the professor notices her eagerness ?
No idea, she nonetheless gave an ecstatic nod toward them and got up from her seat, walking towards the edge of the ring and jumping down, skipping the stairs entirely.

Al kept her mask's eyes on the opposite side as she did a few stretches to warm up.
Mica Lecent ?
Al had not heard of this person before, they'd better be a good challenge.
Last edited by Al Ciendra on Mon Jan 30, 2023 9:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Al chatters in #FF5500
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Mica Lecent
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Occupation: Laundry Assistant now Beacon Student
Semblance Name: Pressure Cycle
Weapon Name: Security

It’s all training. An exercise of skills and conduct. A bit different from what other problems plagued the store back home with petty thieves being the most threatening. That came two pegs shy of disappointing the folks and upset customers. Maybe some measures in physical combat would be good. Be the first time to really, purposefully, fight someone.

She stared at the two students in the arena below to gauge how they’re doing. From outside the circle was it easier to see the differences of aura between the two. Something strangely phenomenal this room has or some setting with their scrolls attuning to their owners. The girl took hers out briefly from her jacket pocket and opened it up a little. Her name and a small green bar underneath while the students dueling below were reflected in it as well so long as everyone had their synced up for class.

This match turned out to be a close one but the grapple move at the end called it off. Guess the people here fight on teacher instruction limits. The girl quietly hoped the session will time out and move on but everyone was deemed to have a turn on the stage. Now would be her turn. Unlike the other student who jumped the rails somewhere else in the room, the first year stood up from her seat and followed the path others had taken before her to arrive on stage. They were given a brief memo before hand to have their gear and weapons for today so the girl arrived in her white jacket with her crossbow slung on her back. Briefly she took a moment to put her scroll away and exchange her current red glasses to put on her goggles before taking in the mysterious looking student before her.

A mask and metal armor? Odd… Mica tilted her head slightly on the appearance though the cleaner didn’t look any better either in contrast. Both were almost over dressed for spring weather. Still, their person did look seasoned. Mica can only hope she’d won’t end her own match in embarrassment. The first year breathed a little and patted her belongings for peace of mind before taking up her crossbow for this exercise.
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Al Ciendra
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Race: Faunus (Wolf-Ears and Fangs)
Aura Color: Orange
Occupation: Beacon Student
Semblance Name: Volcanic Heart
Weapon Name: Arcum and Gladio

Al stopped her stretches as her opponent entered the ring, a real prim and proper ladylike girl, with some goofy goggles, was this a female Bartok ?
...nah, she wore similarly proper clothes but had none of Bartok's "charm" flowing off of her, seemed very quiet and clean.
As she took out her crossbow, a weapon, Al had not dealt with before, Al took out her dual revolvers, spinning them at high speed until her hands, with the weapons in them, rested at her sides.
Al sighed, by just looking at the other girl she had not gotten any info on her, sides the crossbow, so she would just do the usual.

"Let's have a good and fun fight, alright?"
Al offered with a friendly tone to her voice, she did not know this girl, so she'd just have to hope they would agree.

With formalities out of the way, the big overhead screen showed their faces, or at least Al's mask, the green bar of their aura now on display.
Al bent forward as the countdown started, the grip on her weapons tightened.

On GO!!! Al dashed forward, her revolvers laying down a hail of bullets, they weren't accurate enough to pose a threat but useful to cover her approach and distract her opponent.
Al chatters in #FF5500
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Mica Lecent
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Occupation: Laundry Assistant now Beacon Student
Semblance Name: Pressure Cycle
Weapon Name: Security

Fun? The goggled girl glanced at her weapon then back at the masked fighter. The idea didn’t cross her mind to have a fun time with the sparring but maybe, some bit of that word can be useful. Once Mica wrapped her head around it anyway. If she’s going to be hanging around Beacon for awhile and be a Hunter, there’s little going around this. She rested a hand on the back of stock before raising an arm.

“Um, sure. A fun fight.” Mica responded. Just have to learn what these Beacon students are about. If not this one then the next would be even more adamant and the one after that. This’ll be far different than targets in an alley. At the sound of the monitors overhead lighting up with their names and aura bars, Mica returned her attention to this Al Ciendra.

At go the stranger starred firing at her direction. Mica flinched at first on where to move in an open stage. With Al closing in, she patted a canteen strapped at her side and lowered her sights by a hair and pulled the trigger. Three lines of arrows shooting out at Al’s legs down to Mica’s. The impact mixture of fire and water dust bursting up clouds of steam between the two girls.

Off to make some breathing room, Mica moved to Al’s left and tried to counter attack with a volley at their torso in the brief time the steam hung around in their small stage arena. Getting a feel on which side was more dominate while prepping her canteen for an emergency.
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Al Ciendra
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Aura Color: Orange
Occupation: Beacon Student
Semblance Name: Volcanic Heart
Weapon Name: Arcum and Gladio

Huh, this crossbow Mica had been way faster than Al had expected, being able to shoot three arrows at once is pretty impressive, the arrows shooting at her legs even made Al flinch back for just a second, yet the steam did little to discourage the masked combatant, as while her vision was definitely lessened, Al never really relied on it, Mica even made the right call, going to her left which was a completely blind angle for Al, yet the fuzzy ears tucked away under her hood precisely picked up where Mica was going, so it was relatively easy for Al to side step the arrow being shot at her.
"Scared to face me, eh ?"
Al asked in a somewhat cocky tone, intending to rile Mica up a little.

"Well, you better get comfortable with that idea!
Al exclaimed as with a resounding click her weapon changed form, the revolvers turning into dual axes as with an explosive burst she was flying toward Mica, both axes aiming at her opponent's side.
Al chatters in #FF5500
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Mica Lecent
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Semblance Name: Pressure Cycle
Weapon Name: Security

The next step was hovering above Mica’s mind. There weren’t many obstacles to duck behind so it was all on foot for thos stage. What could she really do in a pinch, in other words. She started to back up when hearing her bolts packing impact. Not a good sign. Out from the mist came a taunting voice. Mica disliked coy words. If this were to resolve a break in, she’s prefer the other person arrested first and killed second. Part of why fighting never felt fun to the girl. She fired a single bolt in the direction of the voice and set her hand on the canister at her side.

There were other things to be scared of. This wasn’t fear inducing. Just frustration and effort to burn through. The other students watching may think of her as a coward for these indirect methods. Simply put was an open area more of a disadvantage start to her usual tactics. Mica clenched her teeth and listened for her noisy opponent. Their foot steps increasing. They’re coming.

Mica took the container and held it between her and the oncoming attack. As Al’s form burst from the must, Mica fired the stored water from within. A burst of pressurized water surging from the opening in hopes to drive them back, if not stall them if their footing was well placed. Dual axes, huh? Oh that’s not good either. Mica sweated a little at the sight of them as she pulled the trigger on her repeating cross bow after Al. The next encounter won’t be an easy clash as Mica planned for the forced melee exchange.
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Al Ciendra
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Race: Faunus (Wolf-Ears and Fangs)
Aura Color: Orange
Occupation: Beacon Student
Semblance Name: Volcanic Heart
Weapon Name: Arcum and Gladio

This fight was gonna be easy if her long ranged opponent let her get this close this easily!
Bursting out of the fog, Al could see the shock in her opponent's face and the worried look she gave her axe's.
It felt real good outdoing a smart opponent like Mica seemed to be, she had gone into this fight with a plan while Al herself just relied on skill and speed for now, maybe all that planning wasn't worth it, huh ?

Yet this left Al open to the stream of pressurized water which shot into her chest and face.
"Bblblblblblblbl!" A gurgled complaint was let out as Al was thrown back the bolt shot after her hitting her in the shoulder, making her flinch, it didn't stick because of her pauldron's and the aura shield but still stung.
Al rubbed her shoulder a little as she yet got up, the fog still hung around, at least giving her some protection.
But this was good info, Mica's semblance seemed to be water based one, they were a perfect match!

"I see why the professor wanted us to fight now!"
Al laughed as she took a deep breath and then unleashed her own semblance, with an explosive burst
the fog was dispersed as instead of the red cloaked student, a silhouette of fire stood in the middle of the arena, a wide comic like grin on her face denoted by a brighter pitch in the flame's light.
"Here I come~"
Al teased in a sing-song voice, as she spun her axe's once and then rushed forward at Mica, axes at the ready for an upward slash, ready to slam into the ranged combatant. She also readied a flamethrower from her mouth, should Mica use her water again Al would try and contest the stream of liquid with her flames, which did sound stupid, but it also sounded cool, so it was worth the attempt, if it didn't work Al could still just dig her heels into the ground.
Al chatters in #FF5500
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Mica Lecent
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Aura Color: Olive brown
Occupation: Laundry Assistant now Beacon Student
Semblance Name: Pressure Cycle
Weapon Name: Security

Mica tried to keep her ears peeled for anything new. They were rather noisy so maybe, she can move a bit while they’re busy talking. The water did catch them off guard though so there went that surprise. She pressed a hand over the canteen to adjust the angle upwards whole keeping that liquid churning. Her firearm set before her. Not hearing any advancements just yet, Mica tip-toed her way backwards as the dualist yelled excitedly about their match up. So the professor rigged it? Ah! Nevermind! Never mind that!

“Someone’s eager.” Mica felt an unnerving crawl up her spine. None of that can be good. Suddenly, a strange rush of hot air swept past as the fog faded revealing both her and the dark coated fighter greeted with a wide grin and a flip of an axe. Her eyes widened behind the rosy goggles as she pulled the trigger for a bolt sent their way.

“Here I come~”

Al sang as Mica pulled the trigger again, firing a few more bolts their way as the girl came closer and Mica started to make for a small run. Not much time anymore. Needing to stall for a bit longer for a quick get away, Mica had to settle into close combat for else keep wasting bolts on those axes. Pulling the side leaver, her crossbow started to collapse and shift. The motor in her hands hummed as she spun to clash with the axe.

Her chainsaw catching into the upward swing nearly sent Mica flying back as she pressed her weight into the counter. Hoping to keep those axe blades locked, Mica summoned another jet of water from her side into her opponent. Hoping to maybe blindside them with water again at their face for a counter strike.
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Al Ciendra
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Race: Faunus (Wolf-Ears and Fangs)
Aura Color: Orange
Occupation: Beacon Student
Semblance Name: Volcanic Heart
Weapon Name: Arcum and Gladio

Al, smiling as she was running toward Mica again, she was slashing away the bolts aimed at her or dodging them, steadily making progress, and soon she was right there.

Yet, her ears twitched as she picked up the sound engine ?!

Holy shit!

Al had not expected a crossbow to turn into a chainsaw!

Al had to lean into the clash, the weight of Mica's weapon and the vibration of the saw'a chain scraping against her blade's was rattling her arms.

She growled as she leaned in further, yet was cut of by the stream of water.

But she had seen it coming!

With a roar of flame, a stream of fire shot into the stream of water, Al could only see them clash for a second as then her sight was filled with steam again, and then she was drenched once more, forcing her back again.


The fire around Al coalesced at her back, a might flare that would work like a jet engine and push Al forward.

The clash was broken with a roar of exertion as Al's axes were at her side and Mica's saw was pushed upward.

With no other way of attack, Al reared back her head and smashed her masked face into Mica's.

Al staggered a few steps back, shaking her head as she regretted that immediately, her face was sort of protected, but the impact still rattled her brain a little.
Though, she soon looked up, giggling again as she looked at Mica, it wasn't a taunting laugh, Al was just having fun, yet her giggle soon turned into a mad laugh as the air around Al changed, blue motes of fire swirled around her as the air flickered with heat, the students above her having to shield their face.
Al knew she just put herself on a timer, but she didn't care anymore!
Putting her weapons at her side, Al left her hands free as her entire lower arm coated themselves in blue flame, Al pushed them forward.
The air rippled as Al launched a roaring, mass of fire towards Mica, it was as if she was on the wrong end of a gigantic flamethrower, Al was pushing herself to her absolute limit to overwhelm Mica's defense with this massive blast, her aura was on it's last legs and Al could see the familiar orange flickering, but she pushed on.
Al chatters in #FF5500
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Mica Lecent
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Aura Color: Olive brown
Occupation: Laundry Assistant now Beacon Student
Semblance Name: Pressure Cycle
Weapon Name: Security

The teeth on her saw grated against the blades as Mica struggled to keep her footing in place. Locked into a hard stop defense, Mica’s mind juggled what few options were left. Instincts called to disengage but one brief check revealed that the girl had backed herself to a section of the combat stage. There’s no retreating any further than a few steps once the fog had lifted. Sweating for an idea and the rising heat from her opponent, Mica returned her stare at Al.

That water jet had a punch for that mask on their face continued to dampen the full impact with steam engulfing the pair once more. Another recharge might work but time continued to be lacking. Within that mask was Mica able to note that those sides were glowing strangely. What were they—? Soon her arm gave way as the resistance of those blades slacked for an instant leaning forward in collusion with a sharp headbutt.

“Arh!” The white coated combatant reeled and staggered back with a ringing in her head. That metal face mask had some heft or something. Steamy fog listing again as Mica’s vision and the other students of the class saw Al giving off a blue light with their flames erupting around them. Seeing the danger for what it was, Mica stabbed her chain saw into the ground to wedge her back heel against it for support and took her canteen with both hands. The original lid unfastened. This was going to be a big one.

“C’mon!” She breathed and poured her aura into the water dust within in and covered the open lid to it. The loose puddles that weren’t evaporated around Al’s proximity ebbed toward Mica as she quickly condensed the canister. The stage heating up rapidly. With the large wave of fire before her did Mica countered it with her own deluge of water. The mini canon of water crashing into the fire thrower before her.

The two rivaling elements clashed in a larger steam explosion between the two compared to the controlled measures of fog earlier. The force shaking the room and the overlaying cloud evaporating over the arena stage. Mica found herself knocked back with her chainsaw collapsed at her side and a shaken hand clutching her canteen of spend water dust. Overhead the aura gauges tracking the pair were both driven to the red thanks to the overloading their semblance but one name soon faded.

Al Ciendra’s remained lit.
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Al Ciendra
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Age: 18
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Race: Faunus (Wolf-Ears and Fangs)
Aura Color: Orange
Occupation: Beacon Student
Semblance Name: Volcanic Heart
Weapon Name: Arcum and Gladio

Above the roaring fire, the crashing water there was the sound of laughter as Al stood the tire of the storm.
Her arms stretched forward and facing the incoming steam explosion, she had made little attempt to block the explosion, not that she had a chance, she was about to run out of aura and there was no dodging this, so with one last giggle she was swallowed up by the steam.
Al found herself against the wall, upside down, her weapons at her side, to her surprise there was no orange glimmer around her...she actually had to manually deactivate her semblance for once after going blue, with a deep breath Al slid down the wall and the blue motes disappeared from around her.
Al then looked up toward the screen, seeing that Mica was out!
The image of a scared pirate flashed before her eyes.
Al grabbed her guns, stowing them and quickly got up, looking around she saw Mica collapsed over on the other side of the arena, she rushed over to the other student, worry was creeping up.
"Are you okay ?!"
Al asked as she crouched down next to Mica, looking her over, she seemed okay at least physically, but how would Mica react to this situation.
Al chatters in #FF5500
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Mica Lecent
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Occupation: Laundry Assistant now Beacon Student
Semblance Name: Pressure Cycle
Weapon Name: Security

The white coated girl groggily sat up and shook her head a few times to knock away some measures of dizziness to hear and think correctly. Some boots pounding on the stage toward reminded her that her opponent was still standing. Wonderful. Mica doubted she could aim straight with her left arm feeling shaken from the blow back but had to defend herself anyhow. She reached for the fallen chainsaw to heft it up between her when the instructor could be heard yelling from the stands to halt.

“Lecent, halt! The match is over. Put your weapon down before you do anything rash here.”

“Halt?” Mica was confused with the saw blade pointed at Al who took a knee to kneel beside her and ask if she was okay. Odd. The girl blinked behind the pink lenses of her goggles and began to lower the weapon and have it shift back to its crossbow form. Being asked if she was okay when seconds ago there was a taunting thrill to burn up the room left Mica at a loss of the mood whipping about.

“Oh.” Setting the bow on the floor, she moved herself into a sitting position to find her balance again before attempting to get up. “Ah, yeah. Just a bit dizzy and shaken up,” she replied to Al. Her hand pried off the canteen and start to massage the inner palm in an attempt to calm the nerves.

“Um, good fight, Al.” An awkward reluctance of words put together after what happened. Mica didn’t find thrill in the combat, but was genuinely surprised by the explosion and concern.
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Al Ciendra
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Semblance Name: Volcanic Heart
Weapon Name: Arcum and Gladio

Al stopped when the crossbow was pointed at her, she however only hesitated briefly as she sat next to Mica.
She noticed how Mica sounded just a bit tired and dazed, but that was fair, she did just take an explosion to the face, something that Al now realized she handled better simply because of her heat resistance, she was unsure whether she should tell that to Mica, would it feel like she'd be rubbing it in her opponents face ?
For now, Al would just make sure Mica was okay, which seemed to be the case more or less.
"Good fight to you too, I had a pretty hard time figuring out how to get close to you there, maybe next time we can fight with some cover, so I can't just run at you."
Al giggled, as she then got up and offered Mica a hand to get her standing.
"Wanna grab something to drink, I'm a bit parched myself and you look like you got a bit of a headache."
Al chatters in #FF5500
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Mica Lecent
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Occupation: Laundry Assistant now Beacon Student
Semblance Name: Pressure Cycle
Weapon Name: Security

“Wonder be training otherwise. Figuring out situations.” The girl remarked with her thumb pressed into the meat of her palm. Something about settling headaches this way from what the old customers would say but it still sting. Maybe a rest in cool water would do some good. Mica considered these actions once back in her dorm while half listening to what Al was saying.

With a hand extended to her though, Mica eyed it cautiously before pausing her brief massaging to accept it. Pulling herself back up and rescuing her crossbow, the archer wasn’t used to the sportsman behaviors and etiquette beyond simple manners of avoiding harm. Al readily offered getting something to drink to make up for this.

“Sure. Um, where to again? Not all familiar with the ins and outs of this place yet.” A small start but Al was right. Her head needed some cooling off as well as getting out of this combat gear as it felt hotter than usual to be in this jacket. “The shockwave was a first. Not the reaction I was looking for back there.”
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Al Ciendra
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Race: Faunus (Wolf-Ears and Fangs)
Aura Color: Orange
Occupation: Beacon Student
Semblance Name: Volcanic Heart
Weapon Name: Arcum and Gladio

Al had to agree, training without challenge was pretty pointless, pointless like what ever Mica was doing with her hands...she didn't break them right ?
No, she let herself get pulled up, no complaints about her wrist, and the only thing troubling her was the headache.

Al with Mica now at her side just led the way up the stairs, taking it slow this time as she reached her bag Al pulled out two bottles, both of which were cool to the touch.
"Here, take this for starters."
She offered, as Al then continue walking, the lesson was basically over and the professor did not seem to mind them walking out.

Soon enough, she and Mica were seated on the staircase outside the school, AL having gotten a can of cherry soda for both of them.
The girl sat next to Mica, a straw poking through the slits of her mask as she drank idly, Al just wanted to relax for now.
Al chatters in #FF5500
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Mica Lecent
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Occupation: Laundry Assistant now Beacon Student
Semblance Name: Pressure Cycle
Weapon Name: Security

Either that wave was enough to discourage more sparring or it was only a match a day till their aura recovered; Mica wasn’t clear yet on the measures of aura manipulation. Basic learning got her this far but Huntsmen had a far more malleable approach to learning. Mica couldn’t draw a single memory facing something in direct combat, let alone a person. Circumstances tend to ward them away as the noise attracted local authorities soon enough. She loosely reached for her bag and tugged it along with her as her and Al made their way out of the auditorium for the day.

She was handed a bottle of water that felt icy cold and much needed. The plastic cap crackled open with Mica taking a large gulp out of it before having the bottle hang in the hood of her jacket upside down so the flat bottom could cool the back of her head. She wasn’t sure where exactly Al was leading them but open air is welcoming. Mica figured they arrived somewhere when Al wandered off to check the local vending machine. Taking that a sa sign did she sit down and began undoing her jacket.

The top of it opened up as she unzipped it down to pull her arms out. It hung openly to the waist as she pulled pink tinted goggles down around her neck and began digging her pockets for her glasses case. A slightly red marking around her eyes like the outline of a raccoon mask. Mica accepted the soda can and held it to her head first for more icy relief. Though, she did have wonder…where the hell did the straw come from?

Mica quietly stared at how Al drank while keeping the mask on still. Don’t people normally take that off when alone? Mica couldn’t find another student around at a glance but the straw’s appearance was enough pf a distraction that it’d be around the time Al was half finished with their pop before Mica pulled the tab on her own.

“Thanks. Um… aren’t you still hot to be wearing all that stuff?” Mica asked for a lack of any meaningful icebreakers to whip out. “Is…that straw… a proboscis or something?” Nor any less awkwardly worded ones either.
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Al Ciendra
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Age: 18
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Race: Faunus (Wolf-Ears and Fangs)
Aura Color: Orange
Occupation: Beacon Student
Semblance Name: Volcanic Heart
Weapon Name: Arcum and Gladio

As Al sat next to Mica she had to stop herself from laughing and spitting out her drink as she saw the pattern on the other student's face, she felt a little bad since that looked like something the steam explosion had caused, but it looked just a little too funny for Al to remain 100% serious, so a subdued little cackle did escape her.

Other than that, Al mostly just sat in silence, enjoying her own drink, she may have been in a better shape than Mica, but even she felt drained from that fight, plus she knew that not drinking anything cold and sweet right now would either give her a headache due to dehydration or make it hard to concentrate and her all twitchy.

Mica's icebreaker had Al paused for a second, turning to the other student, what the hell was a proboscis?
She had no idea, so it left Al in thoughtful silence for just a bit, but nothing came to mind, so she just answered the other much easier question.
"No idea what a proboscis is, but nah, I'm fine like this, my semblance makes me basically immune to heat, means I can never get a tan either though."
Al replied with a joking remark at the end, as she yet slipped of her glove and pulled up her sleeve a bit.
"Here, look, white as snow."
Al showed her arm, which was indeed white as can be, yet also some very noticeable scars covered her skin.
Al chatters in #FF5500
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