[CoC Event] Friendly Carnival Show-Off (Private w/ Erin)

This area is outside of Vale's walls, but within a relatively safe distance of the city.
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Bartok Evergreen
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Race: Faunus (Vampire Bat)
Aura Color: Blood Red
Occupation: Student
Semblance Name: Bleed and Drink
Weapon Name: Coiled Sting

He broke the large pastry in half, offering the one not in his mouth to her. "Yea," He spoke with a filled mouth. "Mayfe on baffed on fkill. Dif fat milk bo'ole on haf it?" He chewed and swallowed and took the rest out of his mouth so he could speak clearly. "Sorry, can you see any that have one? Maybe we can focus the ones we know have the prize."
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Erin Cherrywood
Posts: 155
Joined: Sun Dec 20, 2020 9:34 pm
Age: 17
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus - Racoon Tail
Aura Color: Gold
Semblance Name: Vertigo
Weapon Name: Urumi Pendulum

Squinting at him in confusion she accepted her part of the pasty and chewed it slowly. She had no clue what he was saying other than it might have had something to do with milk. Arching an eyebrow, she tried to process his mumbling but came up with nothing. "What's that about milk?"

Looking around she tied to scout out the other booths but being short hindered that a bit. "Nothing in the immediate vicinity unless you want to win the same game I did." She put the last bit of pastry in her mouth and stood on her tiptoes but couldn't see another giant snake. "We might have to wander around a bit before we find the right booth."

Guiding him around a group of excited children, she took him between the rows of booths to a whole new row. A few booths over she found one that might work. "I think I have one." Pulling him along they soon stood face to face with the chicken in a pot game. It might be a bit difficult at first but she was sure with enough practice on timing and her helping him angle his catapult things would go smoothly, plus there was a King Tai waiting to be won. "You'll need a few practice shots but I have faith."
Last edited by Erin Cherrywood on Tue Nov 09, 2021 9:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
There is no such thing as justice, the best that we can hope for is revenge
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Bartok Evergreen
Posts: 253
Joined: Fri Dec 18, 2020 11:13 am
Age: 18
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Race: Faunus (Vampire Bat)
Aura Color: Blood Red
Occupation: Student
Semblance Name: Bleed and Drink
Weapon Name: Coiled Sting

"Oh sorry, I said 'Maybe one based on skill. Did the one with the milk bottles have one?', but I think you would've told me if you did."

Het let her guide him to a crowd of excited children and... rubber chickens? Some sort of mechanical, wooden clacking sounds? Were those rubber chickens flying through the air? There was something whirring in the middle. His ears twitched every witch way as he tried to understand what in Remnant was infront of him. With a dozen of so clicks of his tongue he was starting to get a feel for it. Plus Erin mentioned 'practice shots' so that gave him a clue.

Were those some sort of launching mechanisms? It threw the chickens through the air to the turning table with... big bowls? Pots? He only had a very vague picture, there was a bit too much noise and new, confusing concepts going on. He felt with his hands infront of him, finding a contraption there. Was this a... mini catapult?

"I may need your help until I get the hang of it." He wet his lips nervousely, trying to figure out how to use it. He thought he heard the others rotating or something, but he needed to figure out how to do it.
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Erin Cherrywood
Posts: 155
Joined: Sun Dec 20, 2020 9:34 pm
Age: 17
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus - Racoon Tail
Aura Color: Gold
Semblance Name: Vertigo
Weapon Name: Urumi Pendulum

"Well I have a plan for you." She said in a comforting voice. "I can get the chicken set up for you, we can try a couple different positions, then I can line you up with the catapult and you can take some practice swings. I am pretty sure it's going to be crazy noisy for you so if you close your ears enough so you can just focus on me I can tell you when to hit based on what I see when you do your practice hits. It'll take some teamwork but I think it's a good plan if you don't mind the help." It didn't really occur to her that he might want to win on his own until after she finished talking. Did it matter if he got help to win? Did that take away from the boyfriend pride? "Unless you want to win without any help?" She suggested awkwardly. Things were getting weird already with the new dynamic. She wasn't sure what all the rules of dating were and how that affected the friendships around it.
There is no such thing as justice, the best that we can hope for is revenge
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Bartok Evergreen
Posts: 253
Joined: Fri Dec 18, 2020 11:13 am
Age: 18
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Race: Faunus (Vampire Bat)
Aura Color: Blood Red
Occupation: Student
Semblance Name: Bleed and Drink
Weapon Name: Coiled Sting

He listened closely to her advice and battle plan. Sounded like a good plan, still had him doing the launching. Then she suggested that me may not want help. He scoffed. "Are you kidding me? I'd never be able to hit the table or whatever is out there." He swallowed. "Please help me?" The last three words may have sounded a little pleading.
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Erin Cherrywood
Posts: 155
Joined: Sun Dec 20, 2020 9:34 pm
Age: 17
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus - Racoon Tail
Aura Color: Gold
Semblance Name: Vertigo
Weapon Name: Urumi Pendulum

Erin filled with pride and smiled warmly when he admitted his shortcomings for this particular game, but she wavered a bit when he practically begged for her help. She didn't mind him relying on her but he sure was laying it on thick. Or did he really want to win that badly? Did it matter that much that he won something for Al?

Whatever the case, she would make his wish come true. Nodding firmly she smiled again and took his hands in hers. "Don't worry, you will win and have to tote around two super inconvenient prizes the whole night." Spinning around she eyed the table. She'd have to carefully choose the chicken based on how Bartok hit the catapult. For now best to just get him set up.

"Alright, let's get you going!"
There is no such thing as justice, the best that we can hope for is revenge
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Bartok Evergreen
Posts: 253
Joined: Fri Dec 18, 2020 11:13 am
Age: 18
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Race: Faunus (Vampire Bat)
Aura Color: Blood Red
Occupation: Student
Semblance Name: Bleed and Drink
Weapon Name: Coiled Sting

"Alright!" Bartok got ready. With Erin's help he was able to find the launch button and after some clicking and imagining the table turning at it's current speed, He'd press the button. The first five were all misses, but with Erin adjusting the machine and Bartok getting the hang of how long it took for the chicken to hit the table and how high it arced(one time he launched it as high as possible, wondering what the maximum range was and clicking his tongue to track it's position), the next ten were only near misses.

Finally, after a number of grueling attempts, he was able to make it into one of the outermost pots. Bartok jumped in excitement and joy, but found that those pots only rewarded smaller prizes, not large ones like he was looking for. In order to get those, he'd have to hit the one in the middle. From his echolocation he could tell that it moved fast, but hard to actually know where it was. In the visible world, it was on a small rotating circle of it's own, spinning the opposite direction than everything else.
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Erin Cherrywood
Posts: 155
Joined: Sun Dec 20, 2020 9:34 pm
Age: 17
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus - Racoon Tail
Aura Color: Gold
Semblance Name: Vertigo
Weapon Name: Urumi Pendulum

After about ten chicken launches Erin frowned and tried to figure out how the heck they were going to win a game that, admittedly, seemed to require a lot more scouting and timing than she'd originally anticipated. It hadn't seemed like a bad idea at first but it was becoming apparent that this was going to take more than the drive to succeed. The inconsistent pressure from Bartok, her placement of the chickens, and the location of the pots at any given moment was difficult to adjust to. If she adjusted the chicken and his swing at the same time it would throw off the math in her head, but doing either/or instead ate up a lot of time. It was frustrating that they hadn't got this yet.

Sometimes the best way to accomplish something was to focus on something else instead. So she gave up on the idea of a swift victory and decided to just have fun while she helped Bartok make adjustments.

She made minor adjustments and jokes about where he was looking when a chicken completely missed the mark. And it was more than a little hilarious to watch the chicken whizz through the air when Bartok suddenly smacked his catapult full force. The way children screamed and scattered as the rubber chicken landed between them had her biting her tongue and hiding her face in his shoulder to hide her laughter. She shouldn't laugh at kids, but it was hilarious that they were so freaked out by a rubber chicken.

Then he hit a pot! It was so exciting! She wanted to high five but then she realized only the center pot counted if one wanted a big prize like the King Tai. Eyeing it's movements she tried to figure out the timing and angle they'd need before even attempting to get to the even more difficult task of figuring out how hard he'd need to hit. This was getting to be frustrating, but they'd drawn a crowd so finding a different game wasn't an option anymore. She had her pride to protect, plus it really was nice to feel like a team again.

"Alright. I think I figured out our angle and chicken position. If you hit it about..." What was a good reference point for this? "Ah... I guess about as hard as I hit you when I walked up behind you at the beach we should be able to get it. I think I can get the timing if we can keep our power level stable."
There is no such thing as justice, the best that we can hope for is revenge
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