[Open, 3/?] New Year, New Man ... er,

This areas in between the various buildings of the Academy. Perfect for relaxing!
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Erin Cherrywood
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Weapon Name: Urumi Pendulum

Erin chuckled at Bastion's reply. He seemed to really be considering the implications of her suggesting he wasn't a lady's man. He wasn't. Despite her reaction to his flirting earlier, she could already tell he wasn't one to run around on his girlfriend. "I dunno how much your points count if the only one redeeming them is your girlfriend." She said with a sly grin.

Erin shook her head with a small smile. Of course she knew Bartok; who at their last school didn't? "Yeeeah, that'd be my best friend. Don't let him know though, otherwise his head will get even bigger."

She blushed and looked down awkwardly when Kailyn suggested she did well under the pressure of compliments. Rubbing the back of her neck she gave Bastion a small apologetic half smile. "Most of the time. I don't do so well with guys." Turning to Kailyn's question she imagined the last few months with Bartok. "Unfortunately, he pretty much the same. If anything he's gotten even cheesier." She admitted with a whimsical sigh.

She squinted at Bastion, not sure if he was serious or not. "I'm sure you'll see him around soon enough. He's not one to live a quiet life."
There is no such thing as justice, the best that we can hope for is revenge
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Kailyn Keison
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Semblance Name: Gravitas
Weapon Name: Daii Shonnara and The Fingers

"I dunno, Erin, I'd cash the points for him," said Kailyn with a smile and a sidelong glance at her new Faunus friend as she finished her last taco. "It can be good to have a friend who's easy on the eyes and who's spoken for." She looked over at Bastion. "I assume you're spoken for? You're not giving off the 'single and looking to mingle' vibe."

"Cheesy I can live with, so long as he KNOWS he's cheesy." She took a long draw from her cola. "Maybe we should go find him."
Kailyn's speech color is 99ff00.
Her theme song is a banger.
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Bastion Sandstone
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Bastion thought for a moment then said, "If she's the only one cashing in, then doesn't that just mean she's richer for it? All the more for her." He wanted to get more orange juice, but there wasn't a lul in the conversation for him to get away. He'd have to go with just holding the glass and wishing for more. It wasn't like the school was going to blow up and he'd lose his access to the juice or anything. He'd have more eventually.

Bastion had to hide his gulp as Kailyn talked about him by pretending to drink the air in his glass. Maybe he just had a weakness for redheads. Maybe he was just feeling the drawbacks of not having someone around him who loved him. Maybe the hair just reminded him far too much of Saffron.

"Uh, yeah." He set his glass down. "I'm spoken for by a girl back home. Saffron. Has hair just like yours. Going to graduate here and then head back." He said simply.
Bastion tries to keep the peace in FFBF00
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Erin Cherrywood
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Weapon Name: Urumi Pendulum

She shrugged at the suggestion that this Saffron girl was richer for not having to share. "I dunno. If there is only one buyer maybe the product isn't all that." She joked taking another sip of her drink.

She watched the interaction between Kailyn and Bastion with mild interest. She didn't think she'd ever be able to openly talk about liking someone, even if she did. It was interesting to hear their voices color with passion and humor. Chuckling, she shook her head at Kailyn. "Keep it cool man." She suggested with a shake of the head.

When Bastion mentioned the shared hair color she smirked. Maybe they didn't share the same taste in hair color, but the shared a love of red. "Seems like the connecting thread here is the love of the color red." She suggested over her drink. Speaking of drinks, Bastion was hopelessly trying to hide that his drink was empty. "Hey cowboy, you can go get another drink, we won't think its rude. Pretty sure both of us understand the need for food and drink."​

Kailyn suggested they find Bartok and she nearly spit her drink out. Choking back her coughing she pounded on her chest with a fist. "Who goes looking for him?! She asked incredulously.
There is no such thing as justice, the best that we can hope for is revenge
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Kailyn Keison
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Semblance Name: Gravitas
Weapon Name: Daii Shonnara and The Fingers

"I'll have you know that the monopsony is a perfectly valid economic model," Kailyn shot back at Erin with a smirk.

Looking back at Bastion, who clearly didn't want to go into detail about this Saffron, she looked for a way to move the conversation elsewhere. "Love back home, huh? That must be nice," she added wistfully.

Thankfully Erin came to the rescue with a new topic almost immediately. "You wanna get the refills, Erin? I don't think either of us know how to work that machine," she added, indicating Bastion with her head. She drained her own glass, then reached for another taco, but there weren't any left. "Aww, no more? Oh, well, probly fer the the best. Don't wanna get fat, now." She patted her stomach contentedly. "There'll be more tacos in my future, after all."
Kailyn's speech color is 99ff00.
Her theme song is a banger.
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Bastion Sandstone
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Bastion would give a nod and a tip of his hat towards Kailyn. "You're absolutely right." And then he turned to Erin. "If I indeed was some sort of playboy, I might think that you were trying to convince your way into getting some." He joked back at her. To Kailyn's mention of 'love back home' he just nodded, a little solemn.

And with Kailyn's next suggestion, Bastion would scoot his glass over to Erin. "Please and thank you. If there's other juice, could I have that? I want to try out some stuff." He grinned before looking at Kailyn. "If you're active enough to be jumping out of airships, I don't think you're going to have trouble in that area."
Bastion tries to keep the peace in FFBF00
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Erin Cherrywood
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Weapon Name: Urumi Pendulum

Erin gave one of those smiles that was clearly more amused than joyful, it was funny being around these two. They were both quick witted and seemed to get her humor. Rolling her eyes she bumped Kailyn with her shoulder before arching an eyebrow at Bastion. "If I were to 'get some' I think I'd go for someone with a little more flare." She said cooly, she hoped it came off more joking than insulting but she wasn't often the jokester so who knew.

Slipping to her feet she grabbed all their cups with the grace of one whose been serving drinks for years, maybe she did pick up some skills from her mom. "Y'all are pretty adorable with your backwoods lack of drink dispenser knowledge." She said slipping around the table to start towards the drink machine. "I already feel like a model soda girl."
There is no such thing as justice, the best that we can hope for is revenge
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Kailyn Keison
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Aura Color: Black
Occupation: Student
Semblance Name: Gravitas
Weapon Name: Daii Shonnara and The Fingers

"Oh, heh," Kailyn said at the mention of airships. "I reeeally hope I don't get in trouble for that..."

"I've got flair," she replied to Erin's mention of what was at least some manner of preference in partners. "Buuut I'm also not gay. Like, at all."

She shot Erin finger guns at the mention of 'soda girl'. Excellent callback, she thought. "Eyyyyy. We should do a lemonade stand sometime. Wonder how many sales we'll get if we can get Bat-Boy to 'accidentally' spill a pitcher or two on me."

She shook her head in amusement as Erin trotted off to grab refills. "So, Bastion. I've got gravity in my pocket. What's your Semblance do, if'n ya don't mind my askin'?"
Last edited by Kailyn Keison on Sat Feb 19, 2022 7:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Kailyn's speech color is 99ff00.
Her theme song is a banger.
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Bastion Sandstone
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Kailyn and Erin were quite open with eachother. Though they had just met, they already seemed to have an inside joke or two. He quickly blinked away the image of Kailyn having liquid poured over her, her clothes clinging to her form with the- He blinked that away again. Then she asked him a question about Semblances.

"Well, you remember what I said about being able to take hits?" He asked, rolling his empty wrist. "It's a little odd, but when my Aura shield is about to be broken, I become invulnerable for a time. Like, nothing can even scratch me." He unholstered his massive gun, Diplomacy, showing it to her while pointing it to the sky. "The first time it happened was when I had this pressed against my head. The bullet crumpled." He put the gun away. "A little more intense than gravity, but we don't exactly get to choose these, do we?"
Bastion tries to keep the peace in FFBF00
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Erin Cherrywood
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Weapon Name: Urumi Pendulum

"Somehow I doubt you're the only one to ever jump out of the airship." Erin said as she squinted, trying to imagine all the kinds of people who might jump out of an airship.

Erin laughed and shook her head again. "Yeah, me neither. Though I can't say I'm interested in dating at all. I see where that got my mom: one bratty child."

Rolling her eyes at the finger guns she smiled. "I feel like he would be all too willing to help with that plan, which is pretty funny given the fact that he couldn't see it anyway."

"Whelp, the great forager is off to score some liquid refreshments." She said with a nod at the two of them before she headed back to the drink machine.

((I am assuming she dipped out before the semblance conversation.))
There is no such thing as justice, the best that we can hope for is revenge
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Kailyn Keison
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Occupation: Student
Semblance Name: Gravitas
Weapon Name: Daii Shonnara and The Fingers

"You know, that's something I've always wondered about. It always seems like whether we really chose it or not that our Semblance always fits right in with the rest of us. Kinda like we did choose it, even if we didn't, like, choose it on purpose?" She shrugged. "I dunno. Maybe I've been reading too many philosophy books."

Now would be a good time for a new subject, and luckily her brain supplied her with just the thing. "So, Bastion. You don't seem to be all that uncomfortable with the idea of spending your time surrounded by Faunus. While I'm happy to say that I haven't had to correct too many racist jerks in my time, I'm curious: is everybody as open-minded as you are where you're from, or are you the fresh breeze in the stale saloon, so to speak?"

Wow. She actually just brought that up. To someone she'd just met. On her first day at school. "I'm sorry," she said hastily, waving her hands in front of her face. "You really DON'T have to answer that. I don't even know why I said that."
Kailyn's speech color is 99ff00.
Her theme song is a banger.
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Bastion Sandstone
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Bastion was mostly confused by her question and what preceded it. She was a faunus? She looked human enough. Maybe her trait was more subtle, something he hadn't seen. In between her asking the question and waving her hands, he sorta just blinked and chuckled, wishing he had a glass to drink. She really wanted to start in on that topic on the first day of school, huh?

"Well, for one I didn't notice you were Faunus. Second, it's different in the deserts." He leaned a bit forward in his seat, putting his elbows on the table. "If you can't pull your weight, you're generally not worth pulling along. Children and the elderly excluded, of course. Short answer is that I'm fine with faunus. Long answer is that I've been shot at by enough of them, and had enough of them save my rear. They can be really tricky to deal with when they're your enemy, but they are equally as handy when they're your friends. In many ways, they're just like people. You got good ones, and you got bad ones." He leaned back now. "Still, some people in my tribe believe in keeping the bloodlines seperate. For a while there was some drama about quality of food and who got it, but I helped put a stop to that and made it even."
Bastion tries to keep the peace in FFBF00
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Kailyn Keison
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Semblance Name: Gravitas
Weapon Name: Daii Shonnara and The Fingers

Kailyn grimaced at Bastion's mention of her heritage. "Yeah, I'm a weird one. Since my trait's inside my head, I can pass as human." She tapped her temple.

His explanation was genuine, which was nice to hear. "While I'm glad to hear that you've no problem with my existence, for the sake of my species, I do need to correct you. We're not 'just like' people, we are people. I know you probably meant 'just like humans', but that's not quite what came out." She hated doing that, since it made her sound like one of those easily-offended people, especially since she wasn't obviously a Faunus, but seeing as she'd just explained her heritage to Bastion, it didn't feel heavy-handed.

"I hear that 'keep the bloodlines separate' thing a lot, and more often from Faunus than Humans. Usually it's 'cause they don't want us being treated like exotic trophy spouses or sommat, but sometimes it's just racism, which, as a human-passing Faunus who can't reveal her heritage visually even if she wanted to, is something I found out works both ways."
Kailyn's speech color is 99ff00.
Her theme song is a banger.
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Bastion Sandstone
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Bastion opened his mouth to correct himself, to explain that, as she said, the wrong thing had come out of his mouth. But he just shut his mouth and nodded with a small grunt of agreement. She didn't sound happy about what he had said, but she also didn't seem as offended as others had been. Maybe she was just better at keeping it on the down-low than others. Either way, he had been in this situation before, a common place for humans who talk with Faunus. Heck, even as a boyfriend with his girl, this exact thing happened. Trying to backtrack and explain almost never went well, it just went in circles of explainations and increasing frustration. Better to just shut up and nod.

He nodded to her second statement. "Sometimes it does. A few take the animal trait to mean they are above humanity, some just want to be treated as the same, and some want to make a larger divide. 'Separate But Equal', or something. Can't lie that most of the racism doesn't come from my people's side though."
Bastion tries to keep the peace in FFBF00
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Erin Cherrywood
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Weapon Name: Urumi Pendulum

Erin was busy focused on her soda and juice duties while the others talked. She enjoyed their company well enough but socializing did get a bit tiring, even when she was having fun.

Stepping back she looked at the wide array of drinks she had prepared. Probably too many cups, about twenty six in total, but there were a lot of options. Cracking her knuckles with a smirk she started piling all the cups up on her arms. Balance training and quenching thirst, all in a days work.

Making her way back to their table, she noted that the air looked a lot less friendly than when she'd left. The conversation must have taken an odd turn. Standing at the edge of the table she began to lay out the drink display with a flourish. "The forager has returned."
There is no such thing as justice, the best that we can hope for is revenge
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Kailyn Keison
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Semblance Name: Gravitas
Weapon Name: Daii Shonnara and The Fingers

That... was a LOT of drinks. "The forager returns with the bounty of the ENTIRE FOREST. How are we gonna finish all that?" she said, eyeing the pile of drinks.

She turned back to Bastion and shot him a pair of finger guns. "Well, it seems pretty clear that it ain't comin' from you. So don't sweat it, bro. I'm only gonna do that 'correct ya' thing once, since I kinda feel like I'm supposed to, you know?" She shrugged. "I'm honestly not that bothered by it, 'specially since I use 'people' to mean everyone, so I just kinda assume that everyone else does the same." Hopefully that would lighten the mood again.

Taking another look at the pile of drinks, she decided to just pick one at random. "I choose... THIS one!" Grabbing her selection, she knocked back a sip.
Kailyn's speech color is 99ff00.
Her theme song is a banger.
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Bastion Sandstone
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Erin came over carrying way too many cups in a fasion that told Bastion that she had done this or something like it before. She mentioned her mom owning a bar. It seemed that Erin helped out before going to school. He turned to listen to Kailyn and nodded. Nothing more needed to be said on that subject.

Bastion selected a dark and fizzy looking drinking, sipping it. He lip smacked as he screwed up his nose. "What is this, grape soda?" He put the drink back down and chose an brighter, warmer color. "Ah, orange soda? This is better." He pulled it towards him and leaned to look at the others. He glanced at Kailyn and answered her question. "I guess we finish them with multiple trips to the bathroom?"
Bastion tries to keep the peace in FFBF00
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Erin Cherrywood
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Weapon Name: Urumi Pendulum

Erin smiled and laughed inwardly at their faces. The way they both eyeballed the ridiculous amount of drinks she brought told her that she'd definitely overdone it and broke whatever tension had been building. Sliding into her seat next to Kailyn she shrugged with mock innocence while they both grabbed a drink at random.

She was about to say they'd make it through at the cost of a lot of bathroom trips but Bastion beat her to it. "I was just gonna say what he said."

Grabbing the grape soda he'd so carelessly pushed away she shook her head at him. "How can you not see the beauty that is grape soda?" She asked in mock offense, with one hand held daintily over her heart. "It's almost like having to drink children's cold medicine."
There is no such thing as justice, the best that we can hope for is revenge
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Kailyn Keison
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Semblance Name: Gravitas
Weapon Name: Daii Shonnara and The Fingers

Kailyn's drink of random choice turned out to be some kind of ginger ale. Excellent. Many a bathroom break, though? Not-so-excellent. "I'd rather not have to deal with that," she said with a grimace.

At Erin's explanation for the apparent glories of grape soda Kailyn could only shake her head. "That's kinda the point, Erin. Who wants to drink cough syrup? Blegh." She gave an exaggerated shudder and picked up another cup.
Kailyn's speech color is 99ff00.
Her theme song is a banger.
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Bastion Sandstone
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At the exact same time Kailyn spoke, Bastion also said, "That's an even worse imagination, please no. I don't need to remember those days." But he said it with a smile, because Erin obviously liked it for some odd reason. Maybe it was a memory of her mom caring for her that she cherished. "I'd much rather stick with the Vitamin C flavor." He said, lifting his glass of orange juice as a gesture. "Not that I had any, living in Vacuo. But I heard they were orange flavored."

He drew another glass to him, red this time. He gave it a sniff and then tasted it. It was cherry soda, but he hadn't had cherries before. "What... what is this?" He asked.
Bastion tries to keep the peace in FFBF00
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Erin Cherrywood
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Weapon Name: Urumi Pendulum

She smiled at them both and shook her head like she was dealing with children who just didn't get it. "Y'all are so silly. It tastes of health and chalk." She joked before taking a swig of the grape soda. "Though, I admit I think I'm alone in my love of it. Moat people think its weird."

Bastion looked stumped so she grabbed a straw, leaned over, dropped it in his cup,and took a sip. "Pretty sure it's just cherry." She said as she moved her tongue around in her mouth trying to separate the different flavors that were lingering. "Not too sure if its cherry-something or just cherry though."
There is no such thing as justice, the best that we can hope for is revenge
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Kailyn Keison
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Occupation: Student
Semblance Name: Gravitas
Weapon Name: Daii Shonnara and The Fingers

"That settles it, then," said Kailyn with a wry grin and a sidelong glance at Erin. "You're just weird."

Since Erin had tried Bastion's soda, she had to as well. "Lezzee," she said, sticking her own straw into the glass and slurping. "Yeah, that's just cherry." She returned to her own drink, happy for the sharp tang of the ginger. "Come to think of it, cherries are in season soon, aren't they?"
Kailyn's speech color is 99ff00.
Her theme song is a banger.
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Bastion Sandstone
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"Cherry?" Bastion asked after Erin said so. He waited for Kailyn to tryit as well. "Huh. I don't think I've ever had a cherry before. Tastes pretty alright." He took another sip. "If they made medicine out of this, now that would be something I'd like." He took a long pull from the drink. "If they are coming into season, I'd like to try one out, see what the original tastes like."
Bastion tries to keep the peace in FFBF00
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Erin Cherrywood
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Weapon Name: Urumi Pendulum

Erin laughed and rolled her eyes at Kailyn. "Yeah, I would have to agree with you there. If I were normal though I doubt you'd like me. I would probably have been upset about being dropped in on." She teased.

She snorted a short laugh into the cup of grape soda. "They do have cherry medicine, bubblegum too."

She frowned and tilted her head in thought. She had no idea when cherries came into season, her mom always used the ones from a jar for her drinks. "I dunno, I'd have to look it up." She admitted.
There is no such thing as justice, the best that we can hope for is revenge
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Kailyn Keison
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Occupation: Student
Semblance Name: Gravitas
Weapon Name: Daii Shonnara and The Fingers

Kailyn sniggered. "'Dropped in on'. That's a good one."

Bastion mentioned his willingness to try a cherry, and Kailyn nodded enthusiastically. "More than one, though. They're small. Plus there are different kinds, and different flavors. Some people like sweet, some like tart. I like them dipped in chocolate," she added with a smile.
Kailyn's speech color is 99ff00.
Her theme song is a banger.
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Bastion Sandstone
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"It is a medicine flavor? Dang. All we had was grape and whatever Me'ma could wip up with desert herbs." Bastion said, sipping more. He groaned with imagined pleasure as Kailyn mentioned them dipped in chocolate. "Oh man, this and chocolate would be amazing." He stopped mid-sip and quickly moved froward in his seat to look at the rest of the glasses. "Is there a chocolate soda?"
Bastion tries to keep the peace in FFBF00
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Erin Cherrywood
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Weapon Name: Urumi Pendulum

Erin's nose wrinkled in disgust as Bastion asked about the existence of a chocolate soda. It sounded super gross to her and she shuddered at the idea of a fizzy chocolate. "And you think I'm weird for liking grape soda." She scoffed, picking up a lemon lime mix. "If there is one this place doesn't have it, but they have chocolate milk if you're into that kind of thing." She offered with a slight nod at a different machine than the one she'd used. "To be honest though I can't imagine chocolate milk tasting good after soda. Maybe that's just me though."
There is no such thing as justice, the best that we can hope for is revenge
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Kailyn Keison
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Aura Color: Black
Occupation: Student
Semblance Name: Gravitas
Weapon Name: Daii Shonnara and The Fingers

"Chocolate soda would be WEIRD," Kailyn mused. "I'll try anything once, though! You never know, I might end up loving it." Erin mentioned chocolate milk after soda, and Kailyn shuddered. "Chocolate milk after soda is NOT what we finna do. I'll take it with breakfast, though."
Kailyn's speech color is 99ff00.
Her theme song is a banger.
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Bastion Sandstone
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Semblance Name: True Grit
Weapon Name: Diplomacy

"T-they have chocolate milk here?" He asked, rubbernecking around to find it. "I've heard of it but I've never had it in Vacuo!" His eyes landed on it and he rushed over to grab a fresh cup of it. He soon returned, gulping it down. "Oh man, milk mixed with chocolate is amazing! I can't believe you guys keep this to yourselves!" And he began chugging the rest of his tall glass.
Bastion tries to keep the peace in FFBF00
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