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Does Fiona stick the landing?

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2024 11:14 pm
by Professor Fiona L Caligo
You know me, I have a few characters on this site.

"Hell-o students, sorry I'm here so late, a certain professor had forgotten to refill the water for the coffee machine after extensive use, but alas, I am here now and ready to teach!"
Fiona concluded her little intro, seeing a few students with circles under their eyes heavier than her own, she clapped her hands sharply, bringing them back to attention with a friendly and understanding smile, before a short flap of her wings brought her over to the table she had set up in the middle of the room, where a fake skeleton laid, as she grabbed it's leg and with a sharp snap twisted the figures leg, if the clap didn't bring them to attention this should.
"Now, who here has fixed a broken bone before?"

Re: Does Fiona stick the landing?

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2024 11:42 pm
by Professor W B Copperfield
Reading through her profile, I welcome Fiona to the faculty. :)

Re: Does Fiona stick the landing?

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2024 9:59 pm
by Professor Silas Aronheim
Seeing as this is a Prof toon, let's hit that checklist:

- fully fleshed-out Semblance? yup
- backstory incorporating which academy she went to and her life as a Huntress before becoming a teacher? yup
- area of expertise in combat? yup
- specific classes she teaches? yup
- why she's teaching instead of doing something else? yup
- at least 30? yup
- Paint within Remnant? yup
- Semblance within guidelines? yup
- Appropriate gear? yup
- profile free of syntactical, grammatical, mechanical, or semantic errors? yup

Fiona sounds like that one professor that you either love or hate.

Welcome to the faculty.

Re: Does Fiona stick the landing?

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 4:46 am
by Castor Achromos
Finally got a chance to finish reading through everything i believe wholesome bird lady deserves another yes

Re: Does Fiona stick the landing?

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 2:10 pm
by Professor Simab Zibaq
Zid already went over the checklist, all is good there. I must say, Fiona is a much needed addition to the prof gang. A school nurse and guidance counselor all in one is a very interesting mix that we were lacking. Fiona is certainly going to add a new perspective and an interesting dynamic to the site. I get the sense that everything will be owl-right with Fiona joining the site! (Ha, get it?... I'll see myself out...)

Fiona gets a yes from me.

Re: Does Fiona stick the landing?

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 8:35 pm
by Professor Fiona L Caligo
"Well, thank you all for the warm welcome, I quill make myself right at home and Mister Zibaq, now that I am here, you better steel yourself for toucan play at this game and I am really good at winging them you could even say I am im-peck-able, I hope this won't be too much birden for you, but I just love puns, they crack me up."
Fiona suppresses a giggle as she smirks at Professor Zibaq, then turns waving a paper at him.
"Well then, it was a pheasant surprise to meet a pun enthusiast, but I'll be ducking out early, I have my own approval to sign.

I'll be moving this thread to the archive and locking it, thanks for the approval.