A story originally written in ancient Mistral night over 200 years ago, The Wisdom of Ancestors has gone through many iterations and many names over the centuries.
These names include, but are not limited to: The Wisdom of Ancestors, Stars of Guidance, The Grandfather Star, Constellations of Power, Constellations of Wisdom, Strength of Stars, Stardust Champions, Constellation's Embrace, Champions of Starlight, Heroes of Starfall, and The Soul of the Stars.
The story follows an unnamed protagonist who gains the ability to harness the power of the stars and constellations, which embody their various ancestors. Depending on the version of the story, this ability is either something gained through chance, a gift from the star's themselves, or a Semblance. The champion then travels across Mistral building allies that vary widely depending on the iteration of the story.
Several of the most common compatriots include, but are not limited to: A Mistralian noble, who lives a dichotomous life of a warrior and a philosopher while trying to manage his responsibilities as a statesmen; A Vacuoan fishing captain, often blown off-course from the shores of Vacuo by a freak thunderstorm, struggling to reconcile that he has spent most of his life on the sea and now doesn't know how to truly return to land; An Atlesian, who left his kingdom in the hopes of settling into a simple farming life in the hills of Mistral, but struggles with an absence of excitement that he tries to suppress.
The exact ending to the story is unknown, as the original manuscript is damaged beyond repair near the end. As such, most stories either fade to black near the end, or create something brand new from scratch. The options are so varied that listing them would be nonsensical and meaningless.
The exact historical authenticity of the tale is widely debated due to its popularity, however several of the characters featured in the story are known to be real historical figures.
The Mistralian noble, Xanthippus Alcmaeonidae, was a well documented noble, who is sometimes alleged with being the author of the story. What is irrefutable though is that he often wrote to others, encouraging them to spread the story. His exact reasoning for this is unknown, but through a piecing together of historical documents, historians concluded it most likely was done in a bid to dispel unrest and skepticism about his unique constellation-like Aura, which his descendants later inherited.
Xanthippus currently has only two known living descendants, being Dryo Ozymandias (Originally Alcmaeonidae) and her son Pericles Ozymandias.
"I feel like you'd enjoy Stardust Champions. It's a pretty simple story, taking place in ancient Mistral. The protagonist has the ability to harness the various powers of constellations in the sky to fight evil, but he has to undergo different trials and tests of skill to prove himself worthy of each new constellation's power. Along the way, he makes friends with different people and teaches them how to wield the same powers as him." - Forrest Waldstein to Pericles Ozymandias.
The Wisdom of Ancestors
- Pericles Herodotus Ozymandias
- Posts: 126
- Joined: Fri Nov 24, 2023 4:20 am
- Age: 17
- Gender Identity: Male
- Race: Faunus: Lion's Strength
- Aura Color: Constellation Blue
- Occupation: Student and Freelance History Tutor
- Semblance Name: Pharoahs Endevour
- Weapon Name: King of Kings
Those who learn from history are destined to re-achieve it!
Pericles enunciates in #0080FF
Pericles enunciates in #0080FF