Submissions to the Knowledgebase
Here at Colors of Remnant, we provide an encyclopedia stocked with articles for lore, locations, the history of events, and anything that might be relevant to the greater canon of the site. These articles are created and submitted by you, the player.
We have also provided a forum where you can post your submissions to be voted on for inclusion to the encyclopedia's list of current articles. You can find that here: viewforum.php?f=37
When submitting an article to the board, please gather as much information about the topic as you can in order to provide it for your fellow players. The articles contained in the Encyclopedia are for public use, and may be referenced by anybody within the context of their own thread! Please post a thread in this forum with a poll attached for a yes/no vote so that others can give their thoughts on your piece. When voting on an article, please post a reply to the thread with your thoughts as to why it should or should not be included. Unlike character approvals, however, opinions aren't strictly mandatory here, but they do give weight to your vote that others can consider when making their own decision.
As the Encyclopedia expands, articles will be grouped into categories such as Locations, Lore, History, or Technology. It's important to remember that your article should be easy to read and understand so that other people can use the information in their own RP.
There is no standard for how you can format your submission currently. This is subject to change, but will be discussed thoroughly if any change is made and anybody with an existing article will be notified of the change. Ideally the information within articles will remain unchanged.
Rules to Follow
1. Please do not post article pages for your character profile. Profiles are attached to your account and can be referenced publicly without the need for an article. However, information about specific locations or major events that might be part of your character's backstory are still free game.
2. No profanity. While it's typically fine to include this elsewhere on the site, the Encyclopedia is for out of character information only, and should be presented like you would find an informational article on Wikipedia or other knowledgebase websites.
3. When waiting for votes to be cast, please allow adequate time for people to see your article. Unlike with character submissions, there is no time limit to the voting process for these submissions. If you feel it has been too long, you are free to attempt to advertise your article's thread on Discord so that others might get a chance to see it.
4. Ten votes are required to be cast on submissions with the majority ruling in favor of adopting the article for it to be considered approved. If the consensus vote is negative at this time, additional time may be given to allow for more opinions to be given. If a Community Leader or Admin decides enough time has passed and enough votes have been cast, they can either approve or remove the topic in question. Once approved, articles will be added to the Encyclopedia by the leadership. Your article may be edited for errors.
5. In order to support a certain level of quality control for articles related to the greater public canon, you must have at least one character who is approved for communal roleplay. This means, essentially, that only Freelancers cannot submit articles to the Encyclopedia except in rare circumstances. If you are a Freelancer and wish to publish an article, please contact a Community Leader or an Admin about your submission.
Voting on Submissions
1. When casting your vote, please be sure to read the entirety of the article. These articles are for the public greater canon and as such they should be thoroughly examined for anything that could contradict or undermine the established canon of RWBY or Colors itself. While most articles will likely not encounter these issues, certain ones will concern very high-profile parts of Remnant or potentially entwine with known facts. This has the potential to cause problems for those who wish to adhere to the canon. Articles that radically alter the perception of established story elements, such as the Grimm, should be frowned upon. But remember, we still want to encourage creativity, so make sure that you let the person know what part of the article is rubbing you the wrong way!
2. Any spelling or grammar errors should be included in a reply to the submission topic. This is for basic quality control purposes. An article that is rife with errors should be scrutinized and fixed, though it does not necessarily mean you should vote 'no' on the information if it is still valid.
3. While not required for articles, you are highly encouraged to leave feedback for whomever wrote the article. There's always room for improvement, and this is how we grow together! Let your voice be heard!
4. Submitting as well as leaving feedback on articles will be rewarded in the future. Here at Colors we want to give back to those of you who put in the time and effort to create material for the rest of us to have fun with!
5. Be polite with your feedback.
Rules for the Encyclopedia [READ BEFORE POSTING!]
- Colors of Remnant
- Admin
- Posts: 15
- Joined: Sun Aug 11, 2019 12:54 am
- Age: 99
- Gender Identity: NA
- Race: NA
- Aura Color: NA
- Occupation:
- Semblance Name: NA
- Weapon Name: NA