Sweet, sweet hunting!

A lush forest that borders Vale. Often used by Beacon Academy for training purposes.
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Castor Achromos
Posts: 122
Joined: Sat Dec 19, 2020 8:32 am
Age: 18
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Fanus (snakes eyes)
Aura Color: Red
Occupation: Student (former bandit)
Semblance Name: Chaotic Psyche
Weapon Name: Molon labe

The day finally arrived for the hunt to begin, Castor had invited two new would be huntsman into the Emerald Forest for a good old Grimm hunt. Unlike the Forever Fall forest this location while still crawling with Creatures of Grimm had the school had a close eye on it, after all this forest was frequently used as training grounds of sorts for the school. In fact Castor came across many other students going about their business as he waited for the rest of his group to show up. …Or at least it he would be if he was actually at there agreed spot, instead Castor was reading through his messages reading through the numerous answers his “associates” gave him regarding the people posing as students he dealt with a few days ago. Turns out they were looking for someone, who that lucky person was? At this time they hadn’t told them…or ever will given the last part of the most recent message implied as much.

He can give the dam bird crap later for going overboard, right now Castor had more important things to work on. Figuring out whether the two of them should be in the forest by now Castor wrote a quick message to both explaining the rules of their contest. To put it simply each student would get points for killing Grimm, average Grimm would be a point each. Alphas or any Grimm that are larger than average would be five points and killing a huge one like the ones known the literally trample their way to a town would win them the game…granted the chances to run into a Grimm of that size in this forest was unlikely. Regardless Castor would make his way to their agreed meet up spot, he doubted any problems would occur but it was probably best not to take any chances especially with Grimm and even worse potentially other students who might ruin their fun.

When he finally reached their spot near, he could see both Chain and Mica waiting for him...and probably annoyed with him being “late.”

“All right you guys got any question before we start this little hunt of ours?”
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Mica Lecent
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Aura Color: Olive brown
Occupation: Laundry Assistant now Beacon Student
Semblance Name: Pressure Cycle
Weapon Name: Security

Mica had her foot tapping on the grass in and checking her scroll for the tenth time since arriving to some disclosed location in Emerald forest. Assuming this is where they were to find Castor. Some difficulties in finding her way here from the school gates did occur but meeting with Chain gave her a sense that the girl wasn’t ditched out in the forest alone. That still left Castor who remained nowhere to be seen. “You sure you’re both friends?” She asked and turned her eyes on Chain. This time wearing a set of goggles than her red glasses a few days ago with the change in uniform to her combat jacket.

Regarding the answer to her skepticism between Chain and Castor, she returned to her scroll to read up some local news. Having little else of anyone to message at the school and her parents actively working at the store to answer, Mica spent the time reading up on Vale news. Small time crime here and there, dust economics, and a comics section about a cute looking grimm that always gets in trouble with hunters. Now her scroll was watching the weather forecast of Vale kingdom for the week.

“You sure to be fine with ice cream? Money might be more lucrative. Gather funds and get them growing for the long term,” she asked Chain again. Doubt that ice cream was something worth fighting for. Mica would listen to his reasonings but she would have preferred money in its flexible state. “Ice cream is nice but if I had the chance to double my earnings, I’d take it. Anyway, this should be good practice.”

Hearing the leaves part, she lowered her scroll and rested her hands on her hips at the late host of this contest. “If you were going to be camping here, you could have said something before the weekend.” As someone fairly new to Vale, Mica felt a little scuffed by the lack of proper directions. She then sighed and leaned back against one of the trees to give her questions about this game.

“How long are we hunting for exactly and how would we keep score? Figuring there is an honor system to this but I also assume we’re splitting up to cover ground, aren’t we?”
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Chain Dupp
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Semblance Name: Edge of Tomorrow
Weapon Name: Blade of Today

Chain had arrived first, with Mica (he'd found her name from roll call in one of the larger lecture classes) joining him not too long after. Their host, however, was nowhere to be seen.

"I literally met him at the same time you did," Chain told her with a wry smile. "Anyone who likes ice cream that much is a friend of mine, though," he added as the smile turned easy.

After a few moments, she asked another question. "A year's supply of ice cream I don't have to pay for? That's awesome. If I had that, I could do something crazy with my money, like save it." He thought about this for a moment. "Nah, that ain't happening. Knowing me, I'd just find something else to spend it all on." He shrugged.

Their host arrived, and Mica asked about the scoring system. "Splitting up seems reasonable, but getting too far apart sounds like trouble - I dunno about you, but I'd rather not trudge back to a meeting point after doing all that exercise. Maybe we should set a route?"
Chain doesn't brood in 8d918d.

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Castor Achromos
Posts: 122
Joined: Sat Dec 19, 2020 8:32 am
Age: 18
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Fanus (snakes eyes)
Aura Color: Red
Occupation: Student (former bandit)
Semblance Name: Chaotic Psyche
Weapon Name: Molon labe

Castor wasn’t surprised in the least in the barrage of questions landed on his feet the moment he arrived, figuring it would be easier to explain the more in-depth rules of the contest in person rather than over scroll. Castor started “wasn’t camping exactly…more like setting up the course of ours.” Both would be curious of course of what he meant by that? His messages before only implied they would be hunting Grimm, but either through a stroke of genius…or boredom Castor figured adding an extra element to the contest would be fun. Castor flicked through his scroll for a moment before continuing, “to clarify this hunt of ours is going to be one-hour tops, there’s plenty of Grimm in the area so it’s a matter of how many you can take down in a short period of time.”

Castor wasn’t done with his explanation as he continued “during that one hour you can go anywhere you want within the forest, but if you find this hidden cottage before the hour is up you win.” Castor would send an image through his scroll showing a small, abandoned cottage somewhere in the forest with poorly made bundle of sticks that looked like people…if you squinted hard that is…and looked at a certain angle. Castor was never all that good with his “artistic side” Meaning there were now two different ways to win the contest, kill more Grimm or save the “people.”

“I would use the honor system to keep score but it’s to easy to cheat, especially with something so valuable on the line.” He said joking, “that’s why I asked someone to set up some hidden camera throughout the small area of the forest we will be using to make sure were all being honest.” Castor would then show his custom scroll as he went about showing the numerous camera viewpoints, he had access to. He also highlighted a small patch of the forest on their scroll maps for them to show where their contest area would take place. After all they would only have one hour to compete last thing anyone wants is to spend the entire day in a forest filled with Grimm, right?

If you got any questions now’s the time to ask them, once the hour starts, you’re on your own.”
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Mica Lecent
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Aura Color: Olive brown
Occupation: Laundry Assistant now Beacon Student
Semblance Name: Pressure Cycle
Weapon Name: Security

“Seriously?!” Mica flinched at that. He just met the guy and here they are out in some forest to do a Grimm challenge. Her stance shifted to confused and began having second thoughts. Before there was a change to leave did their host arrive with another remark that made her all the more curious. Now she can’t simply walk away. Not when he made a course and all that.

“Did you… really send the whole rest of the week setting this up?” Not that Mica would notice from the various incidences at the school. From wary professors, troublesome Faunus, and getting harassed in a library; Mica wouldn’t have noticed the boy’s general absence in any class they might have shared.

The girl took out her scroll as it pinged with the image sent. A run down cottage of sorts and bunch of sticks oddly bundled together. Or dolls? Her head tilted with the image as she rotated the phone for an idea of what and where this place was. Must be pretty far from here though with the needed space to make it. Something to look out for.

She saved it to be a screen saver for later and the map of the highlighted area. Since there didn’t seem to be any markers would it be easy to wander off the path. The moment he mentioned security cameras did she actively start to look for one.

“So you’d be watching us with these. I’m fine with that actually but, yeah, I’m surprised. Going this far out for a small contest.” Even the hobbled up cottage was one thing but included cameras on top of it? Now she felt bad to have thought about leaving with this work put into it. Sure it may have ended up being for ice cream but this was beyond a simple task. Either this guy is very rich or knew some key people.

“Will you be actively communicating with us as well? In case combat has us accidentally wandering beyond the zone?”
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Chain Dupp
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Weapon Name: Blade of Today

A course? As in, obstacle course? That sounded interesting.

"So it's 'kill Grimm, look for the doll cottage, don't do anything stupid'?" Chain clarified. He could work with that. He set a temporary lock screen on his scroll to be the picture Castor had sent them and cast his gaze around, trying to map out the foliage and ground cover to see if he could figure out at leash which direction the little cottage would be in. He'd spent a little time in the forest coming up, but not enough to give him any advantage in an event like this. He did know all the good fishing spots, though.

"Staying in contact sounds like a good precaution to take in the event that something unexpected happens to throw a wrench into the plan, but I'm good to go if you are," he shrugged.
Chain doesn't brood in 8d918d.

You can find EPs for all my characters here.
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Castor Achromos
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Joined: Sat Dec 19, 2020 8:32 am
Age: 18
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Fanus (snakes eyes)
Aura Color: Red
Occupation: Student (former bandit)
Semblance Name: Chaotic Psyche
Weapon Name: Molon labe

Castor waved his scroll at both, “did you guys forget not only do we have each other’s contact info, but this stuff keeps track of your vitals? worst case scenario to anyone of us the other two will know and jump into the rescue.” Castor himself, while usually more than happy to go Grimm hunting opted this time to stay out of the mayhem they were about to cause, instead he would do his best to keep an “eye” on both while they would make their way to the goal. More importantly he had some messages to catch up on. His “associates” may have made of a bit of a mess when it came to the people who fought at the ice cream parlor but with any luck there was something he could do. Castor couldn’t help but think that they were after something or someone.

Besides that, it was finally time for there little hunt to begin, “all right let’s get this show started otherwise I might die of old age.” He joked at both before, Castor with a quick snap of his finger found himself thrown high in the air and over the tree, all thanks to his semblance which created partial bonny snake tail that he was able to use an aura juiced springboard. A moment later Castor was out of sight of both. Fortunately for the new students their scroll would quickly light up, showing small blips on their maps of possible locations for the goal could be.

Upon closer inspection it would seem the area they would be doing this hunt of there would be only a small portion of the forest, then there were three potential spots for them, one north, south and east of their starting point. all of them at most a few minutes away from their current location but wildly apart from each other. Meaning if they chose wrong it drastically. Reduce the chances of winning the most coveted prize in human history…free ice cream.
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