Viewing profile - Ivory Lavay

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Ivory Lavay
Aug. 15th
Gender Identity:
Character Picture:
Personal Emblem Image:
Eye Color:
Aura Color:
Physical Description:
All of Ivory’s features match her name from her grey eyes, to her very fair skin, and topping it all off she has incredibly long silver hair that nearly reaches her waist. Often times without any make up to speak off the pale girl tries her best to look the part of a wallflower.

At first glance Ivory appears frail and delicate. Aided by the way she presents herself. Not only does she possess an incredibly slender frame. Her posture of shoulders slumped, back slightly hunched, and the heavier clothes add to this image. On top of this her eyes often carry a timid look or even show some hint of fear. At least they do then they are not hiding behind her hair.

However, once one would get beyond all of this they would find a surprisingly attractive girl. Lightly toned muscles and a fit frame hide just beneath those clothes. Ivory even has some modest curves in the right places.
Outfit Description:
Casual/Combat: Ivory wears a black Jacket with a dark grey shirt underneath and grey jeans with black boots that come to her upper shin. Her emblem appears on the left shoulder of her jacket as well as on the tops of her boots. She will also accent her outfit with a black headband or ribbon.

Formal: Ivory will wear a fairly standard long black dress that has a slit on the left side that goes slightly past the knee. Contrary to her usual modest apparel there is something in dressing up that allows her to be a little more revealing. The girl herself couldn’t tell you why, but for some reason it feels ‘safe.’

School: Wears the standard uniform along with long black leggings underneath her skirt, and a ribbon in her hair.
Personality Description:
Ivory is a complex girl with a equally complex mind. Layers of insecurities and social inexperience cover a at the core amazing person. There are a handful that have managed to get close enough to find this core. A girl that believes in an undying loyalty to those who earned it and a love beyond what would give there friends. Someone who would be willing to do anything for anyone.

Unfortunately, for most who have encountered her they have ran into one of her other faces. Those who are too bold can find her defensive personalities. Where she is either stand offish or outright brash. Never with the intent of malice Ivory is still guilty of saying hurtful things to people who do not deserve it. Such lessons have been often learned the hard way where she is left with an irreparable relationship with only solace to comfort her.

Another variant are those she has admiration for, but not always reciprocated. Here is where her social inexperience show most. On more than one occasion she had a different impression of a relationship. Whether it be a person she thought had mutual feeling for her, or a person she looked up too. In both instances she’s prone to saying something that most would consider socially inept. It’s here that she frequently finds comfort in tears and solitude. Overall, there is the foundation of a person who will one day be a good and caring individual. However, for now she just can’t get out of her own way.

Outside of high pressure social encounters Ivory is incredibly driven and intelligent. Always the first to take on an extra project or additional training assignments. She does truly try to be that best that she can be.
Backstory Highlights:
Ivory was born and raised in Atlas. She is the elder of two siblings although they are only a year apart, and she is also cousins to Jim and Cassandra Lavay. Although she had never met them prior to attending Beacon. Her childhood while normal in the sense that nothing traumatic happened, nor did she grow up overly rich or poor. Instead it was just filled with several weird quirks that developed her into the person she is today.

The biggest example of this is she grew up almost never interacting with other kids aside from forced situations in school, and instead what limited interactions she had were with other adults. Even her brother rarely earned her company as the two had completely different interests This resulted in her being very well spoken for someone of her age, however it also developed into an apprehension of being around too many people. As these interactions were in quieter settings. Also with her parents being busy business people who weren’t around a lot Ivory became the guide her own life at a very early age. She developed an independence and motivation that was rarely seen in kids of her age. This also resulted in the struggles she’d have accepting help or advice from those who weren’t clearly above her. These independent decisions ultimately ended up driving a bit of a wedge between Ivory and her parents when she decided to attend Signal instead of one of the academies in Atlas. In her mind Signal was the perfect mix of getting away from her home, but not too far. As the young girl still had quite a few anxieties. Of course, from her parents perspective all they saw was the similarity to when Ivory’s Aunt and Uncle retired to Vale.

Luckily this resentment didn’t impact her as Ivory’s time at Signal was incredibly successful. She quickly became a favorite among the teachers. Both for her work ethic and also her unwillingness to be distracted by others. IT also didn’t hurt that she got high marks in nearly every combat test that was thrown her way. So without question, she was recommended to continue her studies at Beacon yet another decision that aggravated her parents. However, despite their concerns they ultimately realized that there was no talking Ivory out of something once she made up her mind, and allowed it.

Once at Beacon Ivory’s battles would only begin. Now that the student body was older and teamwork was so heavily encourage the introvert finally learned that she could not go at it alone. It would end up taking her nearly two years to learn these lessons. However, after many tears, failed relationships, and a couple ripped up text books she has finally started to grow. The brick wall that once barred any entrance into her feels has come crumbling down, and hopefully the beautiful phoenix that shes meant to be is what rises from the ashes.
3rd Year Student
Signal Academy
Beacon Academy
Semblance Name:
Redline - Hereditary
Semblance Description:
Ivory’s semblance allows her to gradually burn some of her natural aura reserves gradually in exchange for a reinforcing quality that reduces her sensitivity to physical touch and heightens her personal inertia. This causes her to move with heightened momentum in general, making her movement and her attacks alike require more force and effort to stop in motion.

The decreased sensitivity she feels affects all five of her senses, but Iv’s mostly uses this to dull her senses of pain and fatigue. A side effect of this is that Ivory is able to push herself to her maximum limit without any immediate negative effects, and as a result a lot of injuries that would take a normal person out of the fight only slow her down until she eventually decides to deactivate her semblance. Unlike her cousins' Ivory has the least mastery over the semblance. So she weaves it into her fights in small bursts using the reduced sensitivity to push her speed passed its limits. This gives the appearance of someone darting around with incredible speeds in a short flash.

While her semblance is active her eyes rage in a silvery inferno:
Weapon Name:
Twin Moons
Weapon Image:
Weapon Description:
Full Moon – This is the Scythes natural state roughly 5 feet in length with 18 inch curved blades on each end facing opposite directions. Ivory will typically use this configuration when fighting a large amount of enemies as she can use the blades size to cleave a greater area.

Fractured Moons – This is Ivory’s favorite configuration, and the one she is most proficient with. The pole portion of the weapon is separated at the half way point revealing a 25 foot retractable chain. She uses this set up when either space is limited or she is fighting a single larger opponent. When using Fractured Moon her movements through out the battlefield are the most unpredictable yet have the flowing motion of a beautiful dance.
Fighting Style:
Ivory fights by death of a thousand cuts. Her training, semblance, and weapon all focus on a single aspect. Being faster and more agile than her opponent as well as fight with an unrelenting assault. Whether her weapon is being used in its full form or with the chain link between them she uses similar techniques. While this can be incredibly effective the girl still has much to learn in terms of how to make it the long haul. Often time if a more powerful opponent weathers her storm it leaves her frazzled, tired, and more prone to mistakes. Though, similar to her drive in combat Ivory possess that same drive to improve. It will only be a matter of time before she truly becomes the whirlwind of death she aspires to be.
Intelligent: Both in terms of natural intelligence and problem solving skills. As well as the ability to retain information she is quite the model.

Hard-Worker: Not all of her knowledge has been gained through just being around. Ivory spends countless hours with her head in a book. This same drive to win in her studies also shows in her training ethics. Always willing to go the extra mile some may wonder when she has time to sleep.

Agility/Speed: Her number one strength. Ivory is incredibly flexible and has insane reflexes.

Impressive Physicals: Through a mixture of genetics and proper training. The Lavays just seems to have a knack for being stronger, faster, and tougher than most. Ivory being the pinnacle of speed
Introverted: This is not always by desire. However, when in a large group or after one of her many poor social encounters she frequently goes to her home of introversion.

Socially: Somewhat self inflicted early on her preference to solitude has led her to be a bit behind in the social arena.

Stubborn: Intelligence and Drive can often be a rough combination. Unless advice comes from someone she respects or someone with a position of authority I.e a professor. She will typically ignore it.

Long-Memory: While in some lights this may be seen as a virtue Ivory unfortunately uses it for remembering those who have wronged her, or even worse the times she has wronged herself.

Endurance: While incredibly tough in terms of a beating she is capable of taking she sadly tires quickly. One of the biggest things she needs to learn at Beacon is how to not burn herself out.
Self Improvement
The Arts: Music, Dance, Literature, Art
Large crowds
Social Encounters
Being let down
Fun Facts:
-Very talented singer. No one will ever hear.
-Tried to read a new book every week.
-Has never been in a relationship.
-Pound for Pound is actually the strongest in her family.
Recent Events:
-Just got back from a short exchange program with Atlas.
Alternate Characters:
Jim Lavay
Cassandra Lavay

Contact Ivory Lavay

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